Kode Mata KuliahRN7021 / 5 SKS
Penyelenggara349 - Rekayasa Nuklir / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPenyusunan ProposalResearch Proposal
Bahan Kajian
  1. Penyusunan proposal dilakukan di bawah bimbingan tim promotor program doktoral sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan akademik ITB.
  2. Konten Proposal Penelitian harus mengikuti format yang ditetapkan oleh ITB yang juga harus menjelaskan tentang topik penelitian, originalitas, metoda pengerjaan, serta target penelitian yang eksplisit dan jelas disertai dengan waktu penyelesaian untuk setiap tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan.
  3. Target capaian penelitian setidaknya harus dibagi dalam 25%, 50%, 75% dan 100% yang masing-masing berkesesuaian dengan matakuliah Penelitian I, Penelitian II, Penelitian III, dan Penelitian IV.
  1. The preparation of the proposal is carried out under the guidance of the doctoral program promoter team in accordance with the provisions of ITB academic regulations.
  2. The content of the Research Proposal must follow the format set by ITB which must also explain the research topic, originality, work methods, as well as explicit and clear research targets accompanied by a completion time for each stage of the research carried out.
  3. Research achievement targets must be divided into at least 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%, each of which corresponds to the Research I, Research II, Research III and Research IV courses.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami langkah-langkah sistematis dalam menyusun proposal penelitian ilmiah dalam rangka melakukan penelitian atau penciptaan karya orisinal dan teruji untuk merumuskan serta memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi
  2. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan pendalaman pengetahuan dan wawasan melalui kajian pustaka serta bertambah keMahasiswa mampuan verbal ilmiahnya melalui diskusi ilmiah
  3. Mahasiswa mampu mengikuti perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi rekayasa nuklir terbaru, lalu merumuskannya menjadi bagian penyelesaian penelitian yang akan dilakukan.
  1. Students are able to understand the systematic steps in preparing a scientific research proposal in order to conduct research or create original and tested work to formulate and solve the problems faced
  2. Students are able to deepen their knowledge and insight through literature review and increase their scientific verbal abilities through scientific discussions
  3. Students are able to follow the latest developments in nuclear engineering science and technology, then formulate them as part of the completion of the research to be carried out.
Metode PembelajaranPembelajaran berbasis riset/masalah/studi kasus,diskusiResearch/problem/case study based learning, discussion
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, daring, bauran, sinkron, asinkronOffline, online, hybrid, synchronous, asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPenilaian Proposal Penelitian diambil dari konten Dokumen Proposal Penelitian atau hasil Presentasi mahasiswa dihadapan tim penguji dan pembimbing, atau skema penilaian proposal penelitian lain yang ditetapkan oleh ITB.Research Proposal Assessment is taken from the content of the Research Proposal Document or the results of student presentations before a team of examiners and supervisors, or other research proposal assessment schemes determined by ITB.
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