Kode Mata KuliahFI4121 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara102 - Fisika / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahSintesis dan Fungsionalisasi MaterialSynthesis and Functionalisation of Materials
Bahan Kajian
  1. Matakuliah ini diberikan untuk mengenalkan kepada peserta tentang sintesis material lunak dan prinsip-prinsip fisika dan kimia yang mendasarinya. Peserta juga diperkenalkan dengan sifat-sifat fisis material yang mendasari fungsionalisasinya untuk aplikasi teknologi maju. Topik bahasan kuliah ini adalah : metode sintesis bahan lunak, model-model fenomenologis dari sifat-sifat fisis seperti: sifat konduksi panas dan listrik, sifat magnetik dan juga sifat optik; serta metode karakterisasinya
  2. Sejarah perkembangan klasifikasi material secara umum serta contoh-contoh aplikasinya
  3. Pengertian material lunak dan sifat fisisnya terkait dengan gaya, energi, timescale, sifat viscoelastik dan transisi fase
  4. Karakteristik material jenis polimer, koloid, kristal cair dan surfaktan
  5. Sintesis material lunak secara fisis dan kimiawi
  6. Fungsionalisasi material lunak untuk berbagai aplikasi seperti bidang kesehatan dan bidang optoelektronik
  7. Sifat transpor listrik dan transpor panas seperti konduktivitas listrik dan panas, efek Seebeck, dan Peltier dan juga bahan termoelektrik
  8. Sifat transpor listrik dalam medan magnetik (magnetoresistance)
  9. Susceptibilitas listrik berupa sifat ferroelektrik dan paraelektrik serta susceptibilitas magnetik yaitu sifat ferromagnetik dan paramagnetik
  10. Sifat magnetoelektrik dan multiferoik
  1. This course is given to introduce participants to the synthesis of soft materials and the physical and chemical principles that underlie it. Participants are also introduced to the physical properties of materials that underlie their functionalization for advanced technological applications. The topics discussed in this lecture are: soft material synthesis methods, phenomenological models of physical properties such as: heat and electrical conduction properties, magnetic properties and also optical properties; as well as the characterization method
  2. History of the development of material classification in general and examples of its application
  3. The definition of soft materials and their physical properties are related to force, energy, timescale, viscoelastic properties and phase transitions
  4. Characteristics of polymer, colloid, liquid crystal and surfactant type materials
  5. Physical and chemical synthesis of soft materials
  6. Functionalization of soft materials for various applications such as health and optoelectronics
  7. Electrical transport and heat transport properties such as electrical and thermal conductivity, Seebeck, and Peltier effects and also thermoelectric materials
  8. Properties of electrical transport in a magnetic field (magnetoresistance)
  9. Electrical susceptibility is in the form of ferroelectric and paraelectric properties and magnetic susceptibility is in the form of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic properties
  10. Magnetoelectric and multiferroic properties
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Memahami karakteristik material lunak jenis polimer, koloid, kristal cair dan surfaktan (molekul ampifilik)
  2. Memahami sifat fisis material lunak (gaya, energi, timescales, sifat viskoelastik dan transisi fase)
  3. Memahami sifat fisis materi (sifat konduksi panas dan listrik, sifat magnetik dan sifat optik)
  4. Memahami sifat susceptibilitas listrik dan karakteristik ferroelektrik dan paraelektrik, serta memahami sifat susceptibilitas magnetik dan karakteristik ferromagnetik dan paramagnetik
  5. Memahami dan memiliki pengalaman sintesis material lunak dan serta melakukan karakterisasi sifat fisisnya
  6. Memahami fungsionalisasi material lunak untuk aplikasi yang terkait dengan bidang kesehatan sebagai biosensor dan divais optoelektronik
  7. Memahami sifat konduksi panas dan listrik serta aplikasinya termopower dan termoelektrik
  1. Understand the characteristics of soft materials such as polymers, colloids, liquid crystals and surfactants (amphiphilic molecules)
  2. Understand the physical properties of soft materials (force, energy, timescales, viscoelastic properties and phase transitions)
  3. Understand the physical properties of matter (thermal and electrical conduction properties, magnetic properties and optical properties)
  4. Understand the nature of electrical susceptibility and ferroelectric and paraelectric characteristics, as well as understand the nature of magnetic susceptibility and ferromagnetic and paramagnetic characteristics
  5. Understand and have experience synthesizing soft materials and characterizing their physical properties
  6. Understanding the functionalization of soft materials for applications related to the health sector as biosensors and optoelectronic devices
  7. Understand the nature of heat and electricity conduction and their applications in thermopower and thermoelectricity
Metode PembelajaranKuliah tatap muka, tutorial, riset sederhanaFace-to-face lectures, tutorials, simple research
Modalitas Pembelajaranalat karakterisasi material maju; spektroskopi dan mikroskopiadvanced materials characterization tools; spectroscopy and microscopy
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian Tengah Semester, Ujian Akhir Semester, TugasMidterm Exam, Final Semester Exam, Assignments
Catatan TambahanMKPB