Bahan Kajian | - Pendahuluan: Keberlangsungan pasokan energi, efek rumah kaca, penyerapan cahaya di alam, kontribusi sains dalam pemodelan dan pemantauan lingkungan secara fisika
- Cahaya dan Materi: solar UV dan dampaknya pada kehidupan, Ozone sebagai filter UV, Perhitungan energi dalam foton cahaya, estimasi radiasi matahari per jam, estimasi transmisivitas atmosfer dari Nilai Radiasi Matahari Diukur di Permukaan
- Pola Perubahan Iklim, efek rumah kaca, dan dampak pemanasan Global. Perhitungan Radiasi pada Hutan, perhitungan intensitas komponen radiasi matahari pada bangunan - bangunan
- Pengukuran Paleoclimate, Paleo Temperature, Paleo Tsunami, Paleo Sea Level change
- Pengenalan Sumber Energi Terbarukan: energi surya, angin, hydroelektrik, fisika fotosintesa, nuklir, dan panas bumi, beserta efisiensinya dan dampak lingkungan
- Kualitas Udara dan Polusi: Analisis polutan udara, sumbernya, dan pengaruhnya terhadap kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan
- Penyerapan Karbon: Metode untuk menangkap dan menyimpan karbon dioksida, seperti reboisasi, penyimpanan karbon tanah, dan teknologi penangkapan dan penyimpanan karbon (CCS)
- Dampak kenaikan permukaan laut, pengasaman laut, implikasinya terhadap ekosistem laut dan masyarakat
- Pengenalan Teknik Penginderaan Jauh untuk memantau perubahan lingkungan
- Pengenalan Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan: cara menilai dampak proyek pembangunan (misalnya, konstruksi, pertambangan, infrastruktur) terhadap lingkungan
- Definisi shale gas, karakter batuan shale gas, Explorasi shale gas, mineralogi shale gas, pola reservoir shale gas, gradient geothermal, estimasi suhu pembentukan shale, membaca data geokimia, cara membaca data XRD
- Pengenalan palinspatic model tektonik stratigrafi, Porositas shale gas, SEM shale gas, Perhitungan Cadangan shale gas
- Desain Hydraulic fracturing di shale gas
- Cadangan Methane Hydrate Dunia , karakter reservoir Methane Hydrate
- Perhitungan cadangan dan desain teknik penambangan gas methane hydrate, teknik perhitungannya secara sederhana
| - Introduction: Sustainability of energy supply, greenhouse effect, absorption of light in nature, contribution of science in physical environmental modeling and monitoring
- Light and Matter: solar UV and its impact on life, Ozone as a UV filter, Calculation of energy in photons of light, estimation of solar radiation per hour, estimation of atmospheric transmissivity from Solar Radiation Values Measured at the Surface
- Climate Change Patterns, Greenhouse Effects, and Global Warming Impacts. Calculation of Radiation in Forests, calculation of the intensity of solar radiation components in buildings
- Measurement of Paleoclimate, Paleo Temperature, Paleo Tsunami, Paleo Sea Level change
- Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources: solar, wind, hydroelectric, photosynthetic, nuclear and geothermal energy, along with their efficiency and environmental impacts
- Air Quality and Pollution: Analysis of air pollutants, their sources, and their effects on human health and the environment
- Carbon Sequestration: Methods for capturing and storing carbon dioxide, such as reforestation, soil carbon storage, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies.
- Impact of sea level rise, ocean acidification, implications for marine ecosystems and society
- Introduction to Remote Sensing Techniques for monitoring environmental changes
- Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment: how to assess the impact of development projects (e.g. construction, mining, infrastructure) on the environment
- Definition of shale gas, shale gas rock characteristics, shale gas exploration, shale gas mineralogy, shale gas reservoir patterns, geothermal gradients, estimated temperature of shale formation, reading geochemical data, how to read XRD data
- Introduction to palinspatic stratigraphic tectonic models, Porosity of shale gas, SEM of shale gas, Calculation of shale gas reserves
- Hydraulic fracturing design in shale gas
- World Methane Hydrate Reserves, character of Methane Hydrate reservoirs
- Calculation of reserves and design of methane hydrate gas mining techniques, simple calculation techniques