Bahan Kajian | - Logika: logika proposisi, penerapan logika proposisi, predikat, aturan inferensi, pembuktian
- Struktur dasar: himpunan, fungsi, barisan, matriks
- Algoritma: pertumbuhan fungsi, kompleksitas algoritma
- Teori bilangan: aritmatika modular, penerapan kongruensi, kriptografi
- Induksi dan rekursi
- Permutasi dan kombinasi
- Relasi
- Graf: model, terminologi, representasi, konektivitas, jalur, masalah jalur terpendek, aplikasi graf
- Pohon: jenis, dan penerapannya
| - Logic: propositional logic, applications of propositional logic, predicate, rules of inference, proof
- Basic structures: set, function, sequence, matrix
- Algorithms: growth of functions, complexity of algorithms
- Number theory: modular arithmetic, applications of congruences, cryptography
- Induction and recursion
- Counting: permutations and combinations
- Relations
- Graphs: model, terminology, representation, connectivity, paths, shortest path problem, applications of graphs
- Trees: types and applications of trees