Bahan Kajian | - Dasar-dasar komunikasi komputer, jaringan komputer, dan Internet
- Aplikasi dan protokolnya
- Keandalan: prinsip pengiriman yang andal, kongesti dan pengaturan aliran, protokol
- Perutean: IP, subnetting, router, protokol perutean intra dan antarjaringan
- Jaringan Area Lokal (LAN): addressing, medium access protocol, ethernet, switching, VLAN
- Jaringan nirkabel dan mobile: prinsip komunikasi nirkabel, WLAN, jaringan seluler, IoT, dan komunikasi multihop
- Keamanan jaringan: ancaman, serangan, tindakan pencegahan, dan mitigasi
- Topik terkini tentang jaringan komputer
| - Basics of computer communication, networks, and the Internet
- Applications and its protocols
- Reliability: principles of reliable delivery, congestion and flow control, protocols
- Routing: IP, subneting, router, intra- and inter-routing protocols
- Local Area Network (LAN): addressing, medium access protocol, ethernet, switching, VLAN
- Wireless and mobile networks: principles of wireless communications, WLAN, celular networks, IoT, and multihop communications
- Network security: threats, attacks, countermeasures, and mitigation
- Emerging topics