Kode Mata KuliahTM6021 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara222 - Teknik Perminyakan / FTTM
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahDeskripsi dan Karakteristik Geologi ReservoirReservoir Geology Description and Characteristics
Bahan Kajian
  1. Konsep karakterisasi dan deskripsi reservoir serta dasar pembuatan model geologi untuk karakterisasi reservoir.
  2. Pemilihan hubungan aliran fluida multifasa di dalam reservoir, sampling dan analisis sifat fisik fluida reservoir, serta perhitungan pseudo function.
  3. Perhitungan pseudofiction sumur, imaging hasil test, analisis ketidakstabilan front, dan pemodelan reservoir heterogen dengan geostatistik.
  4. Perhitungan beberapa elemen statistik perminyakan, penentuan region stationarity, fungsi random, analisis spasial dengan variogram, dan analisis geostatistik dengan kriging.
  5. Simulasi kondisional pada geostatistik untuk deskripsi reservoir dan integrasi keseluruhan materi kuliah dengan ujian akhir.
  1. Concept of reservoir characterization and description, and fundamentals of geological model creation for reservoir characterization.
  2. Selection of multiphase fluid flow relationships within the reservoir, sampling and analysis of reservoir fluid physical properties, and pseudo function calculations.
  3. Calculation of well pseudo function, test imaging results, front instability analysis, and heterogeneous reservoir modeling using geostatistics.
  4. Calculation of various petroleum statistical elements, determination of stationarity regions, random function analysis, spatial analysis using variograms, and geostatistical analysis with kriging.
  5. Conditional simulation methods in geostatistics for reservoir description and integration of all course materials in preparation for the final exam.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mengerti konsep karakterisasi dan deskripsi reservoir, serta mampu membuat model geologi untuk karakterisasi reservoir.
  2. Mahasiswa mampu memilih hubungan aliran fluida multifasa, melakukan sampling dan analisis sifat fisik fluida reservoir, serta menghitung pseudo function.
  3. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan perhitungan pseudofunction sumur, imaging hasil test, menganalisis ketidakstabilan front, dan memodelkan reservoir heterogen dengan geostatistik.
  4. Mahasiswa mengerti perhitungan elemen statistik perminyakan, menentukan region stationarity, fungsi random, menganalisis spasial dengan variogram, dan geostatistik dengan kriging.
  5. Mahasiswa mengetahui cara simulasi kondisional pada geostatistik untuk deskripsi reservoir dan siap mengintegrasikan seluruh materi kuliah dengan ujian akhir.
  1. Students understand the concept of reservoir characterization and description, and are able to create geological models for reservoir characterization.
  2. Students can select multiphase fluid flow relationships, conduct sampling and analysis of reservoir fluid physical properties, and perform pseudo function calculations.
  3. Students can calculate well pseudo function, analyze test imaging results, assess front instability, and model heterogeneous reservoirs using geostatistics.
  4. Students understand petroleum statistical calculations, determine stationarity regions, analyze random functions, conduct spatial analysis using variograms, and apply geostatistics with kriging.
  5. Students are familiar with conditional simulation methods in geostatistics for reservoir description and are prepared to integrate all course materials for the final exam.
Metode PembelajaranDiskusi Kelompok Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Diskusi Seminar dan Presentasi Studi KasusGroup Discussion Problem-Based Learning Seminar Discussion and Presentation Case Study
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Asinkron Mandiri KelompokOffline Asynchronous Independent Group
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianKuis Tugas Ujian Tengah Semester Ujian Akhir SemesterQuiz Assignment Midterm Exam Final Exam
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