Kode Mata KuliahTM4102 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara122 - Teknik Perminyakan / FTTM
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPeningkatan Perolehan MinyakImprovement of Oil Recovery
Bahan Kajian
  1. Dake, L.P., Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering, Elsevier, 1985
  2. Smith, C.R., Mechanics of Secondary Oil Recovery, Krieger, 1975
  3. Van Pollen, Fundamentals of Enhanced Oil Recovery, PennWell, 1980
  4. Latil, M., Enhanced Oil Recovery, Technip, 1980
  5. Zajic et.al, Microbial EOR, PennWell, 1983
  1. Dake, L.P., Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering, Elsevier, 1985
  2. Smith, C.R., Mechanics of Secondary Oil Recovery, Krieger, 1975
  3. Van Pollen, Fundamentals of Enhanced Oil Recovery, PennWell, 1980
  4. Latil, M., Enhanced Oil Recovery, Technip, 1980
  5. Zajic et.al, Microbial EOR, PennWell, 1983
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu memahami jenis-jenis metode peningkatan perolehan minyak lanjut dan prinsip-prinsip dasar setiap metode peningkatan perolehan minyak. Mampu memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi peningkatan perolehan minyak lanjut. Mampu memahami karakteristik fluida yang mempengaruhi implementasi peningkatan perolehan minyak lanjut, seperti kimia organik minyak bumi, sifat fisik dan kimia minyak bumi, komposisi air formasi, viskositas minyak, mobilitas, sifat kebasahan, diagram fasa, tegangan antarmuka.
  2. Mampu memahami prinsip dasar injeksi air, seperti faktor yang mempengaruhi injeksi air, proses imbibisi dan drainage, interaksi fluida dan batuan, serta histeresis sudut kontak. Mampu memahami prinsip dasar injeksi air yang berkaitan dengan dimensi displacement termasuk asumsi-asumsi yang digunakan, frontal displacement theory. Mampu memahami prinsip dasar injeksi air yang berkaitan dengan persamaan-persamaan yang menjelaskan mengenai pendesakan satu dimensi dan cara menghitung jumlah minyak yang diperoleh.
  3. Mampu memahami prinsip dasar injeksi air yang berkaitan dengan pendesakan dua dimensi termasuk pola injeksi, efisiensi pendesakan, memperkirakan efisiensi area pendesakan, menghitung efisiensi penyapuan, serta yang berkaitan dengan pendesakan tiga dimensi. Ujian Tengah Semester Mampu memahami prinsip dasar injeksi tercampur dan tak campur pada injeksi karbon dioksida dan nitrogen yang meliputi interaksi kimia antara gas dan minyak bumi, mekanisme pendesakan, screening criteria dan proses injeksi. Mampu memahami prinsip dasar injeksi tercampur dan tak campur pada injeksi hidrokarbon dan water alternating with gas yang meliputi interaksi kimia antara gas dan minyak bumi, mekanisme pendesakan, screening criteria dan proses injeksi.
  4. Mampu memahami prinsip dasar injeksi alkali dan surfaktan yang meliputi interaksi kimia antara bahan kimia dan minyak bumi, reaksi kimia antara bahan kimia dan minyak bumi, reaksi kimia antara bahan kimia dan air formasi, mekanisme pendesakan, screening criteria dan proses injeksi. Mampu memahami prinsip dasar injeksi polimer dan alkali-surfaktan-polimer yang meliputi interaksi kimia antara bahan kimia dan minyak bumi, reaksi kimia antara bahan kimia dan minyak bumi, reaksi kimia antara bahan kimia dan air formasi, mekanisme pendesakan, screening criteria dan proses injeksi. Mampu memahami prinsip dasar injeksi termal pada injeksi steam, air panas dan in-situ combustion yang meliputi perubahan sifat fisik dari minyak bumi akibat adanya termal, optimasi panas di dalam reservoir, mekanisme pendesakan, screening criteria, dan proses injeksi.
  5. Mampu memahami prinsip dasar injeksi mikroba yang meliputi metabolit yang dihasilkan oleh mikroorganisme, karakteristik mikroorganisme yang dipilih, mekanisme pendesakan, screening criteria, dan proses injeksi. Mampu mengindentifikasi metode peningkatan perolehan minyak lanjut sesuai dengan karakteristik reservoir.
  1. Able to understand the types of methods for increasing advanced oil recovery and the basic principles of each method for increasing oil recovery. Able to understand the factors that influence the implementation of increased oil recovery. Able to understand fluid characteristics that influence the implementation of increased oil recovery, such as organic chemistry of petroleum, physical and chemical properties of petroleum, formation water composition, oil viscosity, mobility, wettability properties, phase diagram, interfacial tension.
  2. Able to understand the basic principles of water injection, such as factors that influence water injection, imbibition and drainage processes, fluid and rock interactions, and contact angle hysteresis. Able to understand the basic principles of water injection related to displacement dimensions including the assumptions used, frontal displacement theory. Able to understand the basic principles of water injection related to equations that explain one-dimensional pressure and how to calculate the amount of oil obtained.
  3. Able to understand the basic principles of water injection related to two-dimensional pressing including injection patterns, pressing efficiency, estimating pressing area efficiency, calculating sweeping efficiency, as well as those relating to three-dimensional pressing. Midterm exam Able to understand the basic principles of mixed and unmixed injection in carbon dioxide and nitrogen injection which includes chemical interactions between gas and oil, pressure mechanisms, screening criteria and injection processes. Able to understand the basic principles of mixed and unmixed injection in hydrocarbon injection and water alternating with gas which includes chemical interactions between gas and oil, pressure mechanisms, screening criteria and injection processes.
  4. Able to understand the basic principles of alkali and surfactant injection which include chemical interactions between chemicals and petroleum, chemical reactions between chemicals and petroleum, chemical reactions between chemicals and formation water, pressure mechanisms, screening criteria and injection processes. Able to understand the basic principles of polymer and alkali-surfactant-polymer injection which include chemical interactions between chemicals and petroleum, chemical reactions between chemicals and petroleum, chemical reactions between chemicals and formation water, pressure mechanisms, screening criteria and injection processes. Able to understand the basic principles of thermal injection in steam injection, hot water and in-situ combustion which includes changes in the physical properties of petroleum due to thermal, heat optimization in the reservoir, pressure mechanisms, screening criteria, and the injection process.
  5. Able to understand the basic principles of microbial injection which include metabolites produced by microorganisms, characteristics of selected microorganisms, pressure mechanisms, screening criteria, and injection processes. Able to identify methods for increasing further oil recovery according to reservoir characteristics.
Metode PembelajaranDiskusi Kelompok Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Diskusi Seminar dan Presentasi Studi KasusGroup discussion Problem Based Learning Seminar Discussions and Presentations Case study
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Asinkron Mandiri KelompokOffline Asynchronous Independent Group
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianKuis Tugas Ujian Tengah Semester Ujian Akhir SemesterQuiz Task Midterm exam Final exams
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