Kode Mata KuliahTM4011 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara122 - Teknik Perminyakan / FTTM
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPengolahan Data ReservoirReservoir Data Analysis
Bahan Kajian
  1. Kuantitas sifat reservoir
  2. Identifikasi dan pemilihan data reservoir
  3. Manajemen dan assessment data reservoir
  4. Studi kasus reservoir
  1. Quantity of reservoir properties
  2. Identification and selection of reservoir data
  3. Reservoir data management and assessment
  4. Reservoir case study
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu memahami dan menjelaskan kuantitas sifat reservoir serta mengerti definisi dan istilah yang berhubungan dengan kuantitas sifat reservoir. Mampu menyatakan kuantitas sifat reservoir dengan menggunakan aturan standar SPE.
  2. Mampu memahami dan menjelaskan kebutuhan data untuk analisis reservoir serta mengerti hubungan jenis data yang dibutuhkan dengan sumbernya. Mampu mengidentifikasi data hasil analisis laboratorium dan pengukuran di lapangan. Mampu memahami ketidakpastian data reservoir dan sumbernya serta mengerti kepentingan integrasi data dan kordinasi tim kerja.
  3. Mampu menjelaskan kelompok data berdasarkan beberapa kriteria serta mengerti kepentingan/ hubungan satu kelompok data dengan kelompok data lain. Mampu menggunakan suatu kelompok data reservoir bagi keperluan suatu studi/analisis reservoir serta mengerti akibat yang terjadi jika salah menggunakan suatu kelompok data
  4. Mampu memahami dan menjelaskan kualitas, akurasi, dan konsistensi data serta mampu mengerti sumber-sumber kesalahan yang mungkin terjadi sehubungan dengan akurasi data. Mampu memahami dan mampu melakukan kalibrasi/validasi serta mengerti akibat yang terjadi terhadap model jika data yang digunakan tidak baik
  5. Mampu memahami keperluan data yang bersumber dari laboratorium dan lapangan serta mampu melakukan perata-rataan parameter reservoir. Mampu memahami analisis yang harus dilakukan terhadap data hasil pengukuran di lapangan. Mengerti data sebagai fungsi semu dan memahami penggunaan fungsi semu. Mengerti keperluan permeabilitas relatif tiga fasa serta mengerti model-model permeabilitas relatif tiga fasa
  6. Mengerti contoh kasus studi ekstensif serta memahami contoh kasus studi untuk lapangan baru..Mengerti contoh kasus studi untuk lapangan lama dan EOR serta mengerti contoh kasus studi untuk lapangan di Indonesia
  1. Able to understand and explain quantity of reservoir properties and understand definitions and terms related to quantity of reservoir properties. Able to state the quantity of reservoir properties using standard SPE rules.
  2. Able to understand and explain data requirements for reservoir analysis and understand the relationship between the type of data needed and its source. Able to identify data from laboratory analysis and measurements in the field. Able to understand the uncertainty of reservoir data and its sources and understand the importance of data integration and work team coordination.
  3. Able to explain groups of data based on several criteria and understand the importance/relationship of one group of data with other groups of data. Able to use a group of reservoir data for the purposes of a reservoir study/analysis and understand the consequences that occur if the wrong group of data is used
  4. Able to understand and explain the quality, accuracy and consistency of data and able to understand sources of errors that may occur in connection with data accuracy. Able to understand and be able to carry out calibration/validation and understand the consequences that will occur to the model if the data used is not good
  5. Able to understand the need for data sourced from the laboratory and field and able to average reservoir parameters. Able to understand the analysis that must be carried out on measurement data in the field. Understand data as pseudo functions and understand the use of pseudo functions. Understand the need for three-phase relative permeability and understand three-phase relative permeability models
  6. Understand examples of extensive case studies and understand examples of case studies for new fields. Understand examples of case studies for old fields and EOR and understand examples of case studies for fields in Indonesia
Metode PembelajaranDiskusi Kelompok, Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah, Diskusi Seminar dan PresentasiGroup Discussions, Problem Based Learning, Seminar Discussions and Presentations
Modalitas PembelajaranStudi Kasus, Luring, Asinkron, Mandiri, KelompokCase Study, Offline, Asynchronous, Independent, Group
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianKuis, Tugas, Ujian Tengah Semester, Ujian Akhir SemesterQuiz, Assignments, Midterm Exams, Final Semester Exams
Catatan Tambahan