Kode Mata Kuliah | TK8002 / 2 SKS |
Penyelenggara | 330 - Chemical Engineering / FTI |
Kategori | Lecture |
| Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Nama Mata Kuliah | Seminar Kemajuan I | Progress Seminar I |
Bahan Kajian | - Desk review oleh penelaah terhadap laporan penelitian I
- Menulis tanggapan terhadap hasil review
- Presentasi laporan penelitian I
| - Desk Review of Research Report I by the Reviewer
- Composing Responses to Review Feedback
- Presentation of Research Report I
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mampu menuliskan hasil-hasil penelitian dalam sebuah laporan penelitian yang akan direview dan dipresentasikan.
- Mampu memberikan tanggapan terhadap hasil review laporan penelitian I secara tertulis
- Mampu mengkomunikasikan hasil penelitian secara lisan atau presentasi hasil penelitian di forum ilmiah internasional.
| - Able to write research findings in a research report that will be reviewed and presented.
- Able to provide written responses to the review results of Research Report I.
- Able to communicate research findings orally or present the research results at an international scientific forum.
Metode Pembelajaran | Diskusi dengan tim penelaah dan tim pembimbing secara tertulis.
Diskusi dengan tim penelaah dan tim pembimbing secara lisan atau international exposure.
Pembelajaran berbasis proyek. | Written discussions with the reviewer and advisory teams. Oral discussions with the reviewer and advisory teams or gaining international exposure. Project-based learning approach. |
Modalitas Pembelajaran | Luring | Offline |
Jenis Nilai | ABCDE |
Metode Penilaian | Hasil telaah laporan penelitian I = 50%.
Presentasi = 50%. | Research Report I Evaluation = 50%.
Presentation = 50%. |
Catatan Tambahan | | |