Kode Mata KuliahTR5202 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara242 - Transportasi / SAPPK
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahMetodologi PenelitianResearch Methodology
Bahan Kajian
  1. Penentuan topik penelitian
  2. Research Question
  3. Sampling
  4. Analisis
  1. Research topic
  2. Research Question
  3. Sampling
  4. Analysis
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa memahami transportasi dan tujuan penelitian, konsep, dan elemen metodologi penelitian.
  2. Mahasiswa mampu menentukan topik penelitian, mengidentifikasi dan merumuskan masalah, menentukan kebaharuan dan/atau nilai inovatif penelitian.
  3. Mahasiswa mampu merumuskan pertanyaan penelitian, hipotesis penelitian dan merancang penelitian untuk tugas akhir magisternya.
  4. Mahasiswa mampu merancang eksperimen atau metode pengumpulan data lainnya yang sesuai dengan bidang transportasi.
  5. Mahasiswa mampu mengolah data, menganalisis, melakukan pembahasan serta menyintesiskan kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh.
  6. Mahasiswa mampu menyusun suatu laporan ilmiah.
  1. Students understand transportation and research objectives, concepts, and elements of research methodology.
  2. Students are able to determine research topics, identify and formulate problems, and establish the novelty and/or innovative value of the research.
  3. Students are able to formulate research questions, develop research hypotheses, and design research for their master's thesis.
  4. Students are able to design experiments or other data collection methods appropriate for the field of transportation.
  5. Students are able to process data, conduct analysis, engage in discussion, and synthesize conclusions from the research findings obtained.
  6. Students are able to compile a scientific report
Metode PembelajaranDiskusi kelompok, pembelajaran kolaboratif.Group discussion, collaborative learning.
Modalitas PembelajaranBauran, sinkron/asinkron, mandiri/kelompok.Blended, synchronous/asynchronous, independent/group
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian tertulis, presentasiWritten examination, presentation.
Catatan Tambahan