Kode Mata KuliahBT5231 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara211 - Bioteknologi / SITH
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPerancangan Rekayasa BioprosesBioprocess Engineering Design
Bahan Kajian
  1. Perancangan metode optimasi proses hulu pada bioproses
  2. Perancangan sistem operasi bioreaktor
  3. Perancangan integrasi sensor dan pendekatan machine learning dalam evaluasi bioproses
  4. Pembuatan model matematis untuk prediksi produktivitas bioproduk
  5. Perancangan metode optimasi proses hilir pada bioproses
  6. Pembuatan neraca massa dan Energi pada sistem bioproses yang telah teroptimasi
  7. Perhitungan kelayakan industri berdasarkan analisis CAPEX dan OPEX
  1. Design of upstream process optimisation methods in bioprocessing
  2. Design of bioreactor operating system
  3. Design of sensor integration and machine learning approach in bioprocess evaluation
  4. Mathematical modelling for bioproduct productivity prediction
  5. Design of downstream process optimisation methods in bioprocesses
  6. Generation of mass and energy balance in the optimised bioprocess system
  7. Calculation of industrial feasibility based on CAPEX and OPEX analysis
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu mengoperasikan peralatan laboratorium yang sesuai dalam bioproses
  2. Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan dasar perhitungan kinetika dalam bioproses dalam tahapan optimasi
  3. Mahasiswa mampu merancang proses optimasi bioproses yang efisien dengan menggunakan pendekatan variabel tunggal dan multivariate
  4. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan analisis hasil proses optimasi dengan menggunakan pendekatan perhitungan berbasis sel, metabolit, dan molekuler
  5. Mahasiswa mampu merancang simulasi hasil analisis optimasi untuk memprediksi efisiensi produksi dengan menggunakan pendekatan machine learning
  6. Mahasiswa mampu memprediksi efisiensi produksi pada setiap peningkatan skala produksi berdasarkan hasil perhitungan kinetika bioproses
  7. Mahasiswa mampu menyampaikan hasil pekerjaan baik mandiri maupun berkelompok, secara oral dan tertulis
  1. Students are able to operate appropriate laboratory equipment in bioprocessing
  2. Students are able to apply the basic calculation of kinetics in bioprocesses in the optimisation stage
  3. Students are able to design efficient bioprocess optimisation processes using single variable and multivariate approaches
  4. Students are able to analyse the results of the optimisation process using cell-based, metabolite, and molecular calculation approaches
  5. Students are able to design simulations of optimisation analysis results to predict production efficiency using a machine learning approach
  6. Students are able to predict production efficiency at every increase in production scale based on the results of bioprocess kinetics calculations
  7. Students are able to convey the results of work both independently and in groups, orally and in writing
Metode PembelajaranProses belajar dalam kelas, Penugasan terstruktur, Kegiatan mandiriAn in-class learning process, Structured assignments, Independent activities
Modalitas PembelajaranModa penyerapan: Visual, Auditorial Moda Pelaksanaan: Sinkronous, AsinkronousModes of absorption: Visual, Auditorial Modes of Execution: Synchronous, Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianKeterampilan laboratorium 30%, Laporan Praktikum 20%, Presentasi Kelompok 20%, Tugas mandiri 20%, Kuis 10%Laboratory skills 30%, Practicum report 20%, Group presentation 20%, Individual assignment 20%, Quiz 10%
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