Kode Mata KuliahBT6131 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara211 - Bioteknologi / SITH
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahRekayasa Metabolisme untuk BioindustriMetabolism Engineering for Bioindustry
Bahan Kajian
  1. Rekayasa genetika
  2. Regulasi metabolisme
  3. Bioinformatika
  4. Analisis flux metabolit
  5. Analisis metabolit kontrol
  6. Metabolomik
  7. Pemodelan dan simulasi jalur metabolisme
  1. Genetic engineering
  2. Metabolic regulation
  3. Bioinformatics
  4. Metabolite flux analysis
  5. Control metabolite analysis
  6. Metabolomics
  7. Modelling and simulation of metabolic pathways
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi tahapan rekayasa metabolisme dengan pendekatan gen sintetik dan faktor transkripis
  2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan mekanisme regulasi dalam biosintesis dan control flux
  3. Mahasiswa mampu mengaitkan konsep rekayasa genetika sebagai pendekatan rekayasa metabolisme
  4. Mahasiswa mampu mengaitkan aplikasi omics sebagai pendekatan rekayasa metabolisme
  5. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan perangkat lunak dan analisis kuantitaif yang sesuai untuk mengevaluasi proses metabolisme pada level sel
  6. Mahasiswa mampu mengembangkan pendekatan rekayasa metabolisme yang sesuai berdasarkan data hasil analisa kuantitaif
  7. Mahasiswa mampu membuat simulasi atau prediksi hasil rekayasa metabolisme yang dikembang, baik secara mandiri maupun berkelompok
  8. Mahasiswa mampu membuat kajian ilmiah terkait dengan potensi rekayasa metabolisme untuk peningkatan efisiensi bioproses secara oral dan tertulis
  1. Students are able to identify the stages of metabolic engineering with the approach of synthetic genes and transcriptional factors
  2. Students are able to explain the regulatory mechanisms in biosynthesis and control fluxes
  3. Students are able to relate the concept of genetic engineering as an approach to metabolic engineering
  4. Students are able to relate omics application as an approach to metabolic engineering
  5. Students are able to use appropriate software and quantitative analysis to evaluate metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  6. Students are able to develop appropriate metabolic engineering approaches based on quantitative analysis data.
  7. Students are able to make simulations or predictions of the results of metabolic engineering developed, both independently and in groups
  8. Students are able to make scientific studies related to the potential of metabolic engineering to increase bioprocess efficiency orally and in writing
Metode PembelajaranProses belajar dalam kelas, Penugasan terstruktur, Kegiatan mandiriAn in-class learning process, Structured assignments, Independent activities
Modalitas PembelajaranModa penyerapan: Visual, Auditorial Moda Pelaksanaan: Sinkronous, AsinkronousModes of absorption: Visual, Auditorial Modes of Execution: Synchronous, Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUTS 30%; Presentasi 15%; Kuis 10%; Tugas 15%; UAS 30%Midterm Exam 30%; Presentation 15%; Quiz 10%; Assignments 15%; Final Exam 30%
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