Kode Mata KuliahTL2207 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara153 - Teknik Lingkungan / FTSL
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahMikrobiologi LingkunganEnvironmental Microbiology
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan dan Pengantar: Aturan Perkuliahan, SAP, Tujuan Perkuliahan, Pengenalan Biologi dan Mikrobiologi dan Hubungannya dengan Teknik Lingkungan
  2. Sel dan Molekuler: Materi penyusun sel: karbohidrat, lemak, protein, asam nukleat dan building blocknya
  3. Sel dan Molekuler II: - Materi penyusun sel: karbohidrat, lemak, protein, asam nukleat dan building blocknya - Struktur Sel dan fungsi sel
  4. Genetika dan Evolusi: Siklus Sel, Konsep Mendelian, DNA sebagai material genetic,Teknik biologi molekuler, Hubungan Genetik dengan Evolusi, Mekanisme Evolusi
  5. Keanekaragaman Hayati: - Pohon Kehidupan, Klasifikasi makhluk hidup, - Klasifikasi Prokariotik dan Eukariotik
  6. Nutrisi dan Faktor Pertumbuhan: Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dan mengontrol pertumbuhan
  7. Pertumbuhan Mikroorganisme: Fase pertumbuhan, kurva tumbuh
  8. Metabolisme : Enzim dan Katabolisme Hidrolisis, siklus Krebs, katabolisme aerob, fermentasi dan respirasi, reaksi cahaya/gelap pada autotroph
  9. Metabolisme : Anabolisme Biosintesis karbohidrat, asam amino, lipida, nukleotida, asam nukleat dan peptidoglikan
  10. Ekologi dan Siklus Biogeokimia (mikroorganisme dan ekosistem I) - Ekologi dan Biosfer, Habitat, Rantai/Jaring Makanan - Siklus karbon, nitrogen, fosfat dan peranan mikroba
  11. Bentuk dan Fungsi Tanaman (mikroorganisme dan ekosistem II) - Struktur, Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Tanaman - Tanah dan nutrisi tanaman - Interaksi tanaman dan mikroorganisme tanah (Fiksasi nitrogen, dll)
  12. Mikrobiologi Air (mikroorganisme dan ekosistem III) Mikroba di lingkungan air, self-purification, bakteri indikator, metoda JPT dll
  13. Bentuk dan Fungsi Hewan (Mikroorganisme dan Ekosistem IV) Prinsip dasar, vektor dan host, bioakumulasi dan bioindikator (plankton, bentos, ikan, cacing/telur cacing, dll)
  14. Pemanfaatan Biologi dan Mikrobiologi dalam Rekayasa Lingkungan - Pemanfaatan mikroorganisme dalam pengolahan limbah cair, limbah padat dan tanah terkontaminasi - Peran mikrobiologi dalam identifikasi penyakit
  1. Introduction and Preface: Lecture Rules, SAP, Lecture Objectives, Introduction to Biology and Microbiology and Their Relationship with Environmental Engineering
  2. Cell and Molecular: Cell building blocks: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, nucleic acids and their building blocks
  3. Cells and Molecules II: - Cell building blocks: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, nucleic acids and their building blocks - Cell Structure and cell function
  4. Genetics and Evolution: Cell Cycle, Mendelian Concept, DNA as genetic material, Molecular Biology Techniques, Relationship between Genetics and Evolution, Mechanisms of Evolution
  5. Biodiversity: - Tree of Life, Classification of living things, - Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Classification
  6. Nutrition and Growth Factors: Factors that influence and control growth
  7. Growth of Microorganisms: Growth phase, growth curve
  8. Metabolism: Enzymes and Catabolism Hydrolysis, Krebs cycle, aerobic catabolism, fermentation and respiration, light/dark reactions in autotrophs
  9. Metabolism: Anabolism Biosynthesis of carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids, nucleotides, nucleic acids and peptidoglycan
  10. Ecology and Biogeochemical Cycles (microorganisms and ecosystems I) - Ecology and Biosphere, Habitat, Food Chain/Web - The carbon, nitrogen, phosphate cycle and the role of microbes
  11. Form and Function of Plants (microorganisms and ecosystems II) - Structure, Growth and development of Plants - Soil and plant nutrition - Interaction of plants and soil microorganisms (Nitrogen fixation, etc.)
  12. Water Microbiology (microorganisms and ecosystems III) Microbes in the water environment, self-purification, indicator bacteria, JPT method etc.
  13. Form and Function of Animals (Microorganisms and Ecosystems IV) Basic principles, vectors and hosts, bioaccumulation, and bioindicators (plankton, benthos, fish, worms/worm eggs, etc.)
  14. Use of Biology and Microbiology in Environmental Engineering - Utilization of microorganisms in processing liquid waste, solid waste and contaminated soil - The role of microbiology in disease identification
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa memahami peran mikrobiologi dalam permasalahan lingkungan
  2. Mahasiswa mengerti cara mengidentifikasi mikroorganisme serta memahami peran mikroorganisme dalam pengolahan limbah
  1. Students understand the role of microbiology in environmental problems.
  2. Students understand how to identify microorganisms and understand the role of microorganisms in waste processing.
Metode PembelajaranKBL, SBL, PBL, CBL.KBL, SBL, PBL, CBL.
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, SinkronOffline, Synchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianLaporan, PraktikReport, Lab Works
Catatan Tambahan