Kode Mata KuliahTL2203 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara153 - Teknik Lingkungan / FTSL
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahEpidemiologi LingkunganEnvironmental Epidemiology
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pengantar 1. Sejarah perkembangan epidemiologi 2. Definisi 3. Tujuan 4. Lingkup 5. Lingkungan dan epidemi 6. Studi kasus Jaman Hipocrates ke J.Snow, saat ini Definisi lama, modern epidemiology; definisi epidemi, endemi, praktis Tujuan umum dan praktis Fenomena masal, lingkup baru; epidemiologi sebagai metode dan ilmu Pencemar sebagai agent potensial Kasus penetapan wabahdi London
  2. Terjadinya penyakit dan wabah 1. Definisi sehat dan sakit 2. Proses terjadinya sakit 3. Proses terjadinya wabah 4. Tipe penyebaran wabah 1. UU No.23 1992 2. Model Gordon; kausasi yang multipel 3. Wabah penyakit menular; wabah penyakit tidak menular 4. Penyebaran prosodemik, holomiantik 5. Penentuan endemisitas, sumber, dll.
  3. erjadinya penyakit dan wabah 1. Definisi sehat dan sakit 2. Proses terjadinya sakit 3. Proses terjadinya wabah 4. Tipe penyebaran wabah 1. UU No.23 1992 2. Model Gordon; kausasi yang multipel 3. Wabah penyakit menular; wabah penyakit tidak menular 4. Penyebaran prosodemik, holomiantik 5. Penentuan endemisitas, sumber, dll.
  4. Agent 1. Agent hidup dan tidak hidup 2. Faktor determinan pada Agent hidup 3. Faktor determinan pada Agent tidak hidup 4. Studi kasus 1. Diferensial hidup vs tidak hidup 2. Karakteristik Agent hidup 3. Karakteristik Agent tidak hidup 4. Hubungan kebakaran sampah dengan Asthma 5. Studi Kasus
  5. Host 1. Atribut yang diturunkan/dilahirkan 2. Atribut setelah lahir 3. Studi kasus 1. Usia, JK, Bangsa, Daya tahan natural 2. Status Kesehatan, fisiologis, gizi, pengalaman sakit, kekebalan kelompok, Perilaku 3. PAM dan Trachoma 4. Studi Kasus
  6. Lingkungan 1. Peran lingkungan dalam terjadinya penyakit 2. Studi kasus 1. Faktor determinan pada atmosfir, hidrosfir, litosfir, biosfir, sosiosfir, geografi, geologi 2. Kabut di London 3. Global warming 4. Tayangan film Global Worming "An Inconvenient Truth", studi kasus
  7. Pengukuran paparan 1. Arti paparan, indikator, metoda pengukuran 2. Populasi terpapar terhadap lingkungan 3. Latihan 1. Paparan vs dosis, pengukuran obyektif, subyektif 2. Jenis paparan, langsung, tidak langsung 3. Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan
  8. Pengukuran efek 1. Arti, penentuan kriteria efek 2. Pengukuran efek 3. Soal latihan 1. Postulata /r. Koch, Hill, & Evans 2. Efek langsung & tidak langsung 3. Penyelesaian soal
  9. Pengendalian dan pencegahan wabah 1. Penegasan adanya wabah 2.Deskriptif 3. Transmisi epidemi 4. Penelitian kasus-kendali 5. Evaluasi kualitas lingkungan 7. Pengendalian wabah Pelaporan wabah 8. Pencegahan wabah 9. Pencegahan penyakit 10. Studi Kasus 1. Data primer dan sekunder 2. Atribut orang, waktu, dan tempat 3. Kurva insidensi epidemi 4. Matriks n x n 5. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium 7. Membuat laporan 8. Rekomendasi tindak lanjut 9. Kasus Botulism 10. studi kasus dan tugas baca
  10. Penelitian epidemiologi 1. Tujuan, lingkup etika, partisipasi masyarakat 2. Penelitian observasional 3. Pengolahan data 4. Penilaian efek, desain sekuensial 5. Soal latihan 1. Izin perseorangan, masyarakat, instansi kelompok kontrol, medical records, anonimitas 2. Model retrospektif 3. Model prospektif 4. Model cross-sectional 5. Studi ekologis 6. Studi intervensi 7. Menghitung signifikansi, asosiasi, RR, OR, AR 8. Penyelesaian soal 9. studi kasus
  1. Introduction 1. History of the development of epidemiology 2. Definition 3. Goals 4. Scope 5. Environment and epidemics 6. Case studies The Age of Hippocrates to J. Snow, today Old definition, modern epidemiology; definition of epidemic, endemic, practical General and practical purposes Mass phenomenon, new scope; epidemiology as a method and science Pollutants as potential agents The case of determining the plague in London
  2. The occurrence of disease and epidemics 1. Definition of health and illness 2. The process of illness 3. The process of an outbreak 4. Type of outbreak spread 1. Law No.23 1992 2. Gordon Model; multiple causation 3. Outbreaks of infectious diseases; non-communicable disease outbreaks 4. Prosodemic, holomiantic distribution 5. Determination of endemicity, source, etc.
  3. the occurrence of disease and epidemics 1. Definition of health and illness 2. The process of illness 3. The process of an outbreak 4. Type of outbreak spread 1. Law No.23 1992 2. Gordon Model; multiple causation 3. Outbreaks of infectious diseases; non-communicable disease outbreaks 4. Prosodemic, holomiantic distribution 5. Determination of endemicity, source, etc.
  4. Agent 1. Live and non-living agents 2. Determinant factors in living agents 3. Determinant factors in non-living agents 4. Case studies 1. Live vs non-live differential 2. Characteristics of live agents 3. Agent characteristics are not alive 4. The relationship between trash fires and asthma 5. Case Study
  5. Hosts 1. Attributes that are inherited/born 2. Attributes after birth 3. Case studies 1. Age, JK, Nation, Natural endurance 2. Health status, physiology, nutrition, illness experience, herd immunity, behavior 3. PAM and Trachoma 4. Case Study
  6. Environment 1. The role of the environment in the occurrence of disease 2. Case study 1. Determinant factors in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, sociosphere, geography, geology 2. Fog in London 3. Global warming 4. Global Worming film "An Inconvenient Truth", case study
  7. Exposure measurement 1. Meaning of exposure, indicators, measurement methods 2. The population is exposed to the environment 3. Practice 1. Exposure vs dose, objective, subjective measurements 2. Type of exposure, direct, indirect 3. Answer the questions
  8. Effect measurement 1. Meaning, determination of effect criteria 2. Measurement of effects 3. Practice questions 1. Postulata /r. Koch, Hill, & Evans 2. Direct & indirect effects 3. Problem solving
  9. Control and prevention of epidemics 1. Confirmation of the existence of an epidemic 2.Descriptive 3. Epidemic transmission 4. Case-control research 5. Evaluation of environmental quality 7. Outbreak control. Outbreak reporting 8. Prevention of epidemics 9. Disease prevention 10. Case Study 1. Primary and secondary data 2. Attributes of person, time and place 3. Epidemic incidence curve 4. Matrix n x n 5. Laboratory examination 7. Make a report 8. Follow-up recommendations 9. Botulism Case 10. case studies and reading assignments
  10. Epidemiological study 1. Goals, ethical scope, community participation 2. Observational research 3. Data processing 4. Effect assessment, sequential design 5. Practice questions 1. Permission of individuals, communities, control group agencies, medical records, anonymity 2. Retrospective model 3. Prospective model 4. Cross-sectional model 5. Ecological studies 6. Intervention studies 7. Calculating significance, association, RR, OR, AR 8. Problem solving 9. case studies
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa dapat menguraikan tiga model dasar penelitian epidemiologi
  2. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan peran lingkungan beserta berbagai faktor determinannya dalam mekanisme terjadinya penyakit
  1. Students can describe three basic models of epidemiological research
  2. Students can explain the role of the environment and its various determinants in the mechanism of disease
Metode PembelajaranKBL, PBL, CBL, RBLKBL, PBL, CBL, RBL
Modalitas PembelajaranSinkron, AsingkronSynchronous, Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianWawancara, Presentasi, dan LaporanInterviews, Presentations, and Reports
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