Kode Mata KuliahTL4105 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara153 - Teknik Lingkungan / FTSL
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPerilaku UdaraAtmospheric Behaviour
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan Penjelasan kuliah secara umum, tata cara, ujian dan literatur
  2. Evolusi dan komposisi atmosfer bumi Deskripsi fisik atmosfer; komposisi bumi; evolusi atmosfer; massa atmosfer dan perhitungan; velocity to escape; volume atmosfer
  3. Unit konsentrasi zat di atmosfer yang digunakan dalam peraturan kualitas udara dan perubahan iklim global: Mixing ratio, column density, Dobson Unit, kerapatan molekul
  4. Sifat fisik dan kimia atmosfer : DALR; potential temperature gradient ; inversi
  5. Sifat fisik dan kimia zat pencemar di atmosfer Radiasi dan atmosfer; deskripsi kuantitatif radiasi, flux radian dan irradiance; hukum Wien displacement; Stefan-Boltzmann; radiasi bumi; albedo dan radiative forcing
  6. Kinetika atmosfer Kinetika atmosfer; kaitan antara kerapatan molekul dengan kinetika; orde-orde reaksi di atmosfer dan konstanta laju reaksi; waktu tinggal atmosferik
  7. Prinsip-prinsip fotokimia atmosfer; Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap reaksi fotokimia; reaksi senyawa-senyawa pencemar udara yang dapat mengalami reaksi fotokimia
  8. Ozone troposferik: Steady state ozone concentration; prekursor ozone; reaksi prekursor ozon; perhitungan produksi ozon akibat adanya berbagai prekursor
  9. Ozone stratosferik : Siklus Chapman; reaksi ozon stratosferik; senyawa dan reaksi kimia penyebab
  10. Hujan asam Sejarah hujan asam; prekursor; proses pembentukan hujan asam, dampak
  11. Sinks pencemar: Proses deposisi basah; proses deposisi kering
  12. Perubahan Iklim dan Pemanasan Global Pengertian Gas Rumah Kaca; evolusi konsentrasi GRK; dampaknya
  13. Aplikasi pengetahuan perilaku udara dalam keberlanjutan (sustainability), pemodelan kualitas udara serta kebijakan pengelolaan kualitas udara lokal, regional dan global Protokol Kyoto, Protokol Montreal; Protokol Multi-Effect Multi Pollutants; SDGs dan implikasi kebijakan secara nasional dan global yang membutuhkan pengetahuan mengenai fisika-kimia atmosfer
  14. Presentasi makalah dan diskusi Yang berkaitan dengan topik mata kuliah
  1. Introduction General lecture explanation, procedures, exams and literature
  2. Evolution and composition of the Earth's atmosphere Physical description of the atmosphere; composition of the earth; atmospheric evolution; atmospheric masses and calculations; velocity to escape; atmospheric volume
  3. Units of concentration of substances in the atmosphere used in air quality regulations and global climate change: Mixing ratio, column density, Dobson Unit, molecular density
  4. Physical and chemical properties of the atmosphere: DALR; potential temperature gradient; inversion
  5. Physical and chemical properties of pollutants in the atmosphere Radiation and the atmosphere; quantitative description of radiation, radiant flux and irradiance; Wien displacement law; Stefan-Boltzmann; earth radiation; albedo and radiative forcing
  6. Atmospheric kinetics Atmospheric kinetics; the relationship between molecular density and kinetics; reaction orders in the atmosphere and reaction rate constants; atmospheric residence time
  7. Principles of atmospheric photochemistry; Factors that influence photochemical reactions; reactions of air pollutant compounds that can undergo photochemical reactions
  8. Tropospheric ozone: Steady state ozone concentration; ozone precursor; ozone precursor reactions; calculation of ozone production due to the presence of various precursors
  9. Stratospheric ozone : Chapman Cycle; stratospheric ozone reactions; compounds and chemical reactions that cause them
  10. Acid rain History of acid rain; precursor; acid rain formation process, impact
  11. Pollutant sinks: Wet deposition process; dry deposition process
  12. Climate Change and Global Warming Understanding Greenhouse Gases; evolution of GHG concentrations; impact
  13. Application of knowledge of air behavior in sustainability, air quality modeling and local, regional and global air quality management policies, Kyoto Protocol, Montreal Protocol; Multi-Effect Multi Pollutant Protocol; SDGs and policy implications nationally and globally require knowledge of atmospheric physics and chemistry
  14. Paper presentations and discussions related to course topics
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa memahami pengetahuan karakteristik atmosfer dalam bidang lingkungan terutama komposisi atmosfer, karakteristik fisik dan kimia serta interaksi di antara komponen fisik dan kimia di atmosfer yang diperlukan dalam pengelolaan dan kebijakan terkait kualitas udara.
  1. Students understand knowledge of atmospheric characteristics in the environmental field, especially atmospheric composition, physical and chemical characteristics and interactions between physical and chemical components in the atmosphere which are needed in management and policies related to air quality.
Metode PembelajaranKBL, PBL, PjBLKBL, PBL, PjBL
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, Sinkron, During, AsinkronOffline, Synchronous, During, Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUraian, Presentasi, EsaiDescription, Presentation, Essay
Catatan Tambahan