Kode Mata KuliahTL4204 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara153 - Teknik Lingkungan / FTSL
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPengelolaan Limbah IndustriIndustrial Waste Management
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan: komponen proses produksi (input-proses-produk-limbah, perbedaan limbah industri dan domestik, sistem pengelolaan limbah industri secara umum).
  2. Karakteristik limbah industri: macam dan jenis limbah industri (padat, cair dan gas, sumber dan karakteristik limbah industri, karakteristik limbah industri dan dampaknya terhadap lingkungan).
  3. Pengolahan air buangan dengan menggunakan proses fisik: deskripsi proses fisik dalam pengolahan air buangan industri, penempatan, kriteria design, perhitungan dimensi dan gambar standar unit pengolahan fisik, pengoperasian dan perawatan unit pengolahan fisik.
  4. Pengolahan air buangan dengan menggunakan proses kimia: deskripsi proses kimia dalam pengolahan limbah industri, penempatan, kriteria design, perhitungan dimensi dan gambar standar unit pengolahan kimia, pengoperasian dan perawatan unit pengolahan kimia.
  5. Pengolahan air buangan dengan menggunakan proses biologi: deskripsi dan urgensi proses biologi dalam pengolahan limbah industri, jenis pengolahan berdasarkan pertumbuhan bakteri (tersuspensi, terlekat, penempatan, kriteria design, perhitungan dimensi dan gambar standar unit pengolahan biologi, kebutuhan peralatan dalam proses biologi, termasuk kebutuhan energinya, pengoperasian dan perawatan unit pengo-lahan limbah industri).
  6. Pengolahan lanjut air limbah industri: ultrafiltrasi dengan aplikasi sistem membran, desinfeksi dengan aplikasi sistem ozonisasi.
  7. Sistem pengelolaan limbah padat: sumber, karakteristik limbah padat di industri, sekilas proses pengolahan (stabilisasi dan solidifikasi).
  8. Sistem pengelolaan limbah gas: sumber dan karakteristik limbah gas di industri, sekilas proses pengolahan: baghouse, scrubber, dll.
  9. Karakterisasi limbah industri: analisa kimia dari berbagai jenis limbah industri.
  10. Konsep Penanganan Limbah Industri di Kawasan Industri: pengenalan konsep pengelolaan limbah industri di kawasan industri.
  1. Introduction: components of the production process (input-process-product-waste, differences between industrial and domestic waste, industrial waste management systems in general).
  2. Characteristics of industrial waste: types and types of industrial waste (solid, liquid and gas, sources and characteristics of industrial waste, characteristics of industrial waste and their impact on the environment).
  3. Wastewater treatment using physical processes: description of physical processes in industrial wastewater treatment, placement, design criteria, dimensional calculations and standard drawings of physical processing units, operation and maintenance of physical processing units.
  4. Wastewater treatment using chemical processes: description of chemical processes in industrial waste processing, placement, design criteria, dimensional calculations and standard drawings of chemical processing units, operation and maintenance of chemical processing units.
  5. Wastewater treatment using biological processes: description and urgency of biological processes in industrial waste processing, types of treatment based on bacterial growth (suspended, attached, placement, design criteria, dimensional calculations and standard drawings of biological processing units, equipment requirements in biological processes, including requirements energy, operation and maintenance of industrial waste processing units).
  6. Advanced processing of industrial wastewater: ultrafiltration with the application of a membrane system, disinfection with the application of an ozonization system.
  7. Solid waste management system: sources, characteristics of solid waste in industry, a glance at processing processes (stabilization and solidification).
  8. Waste gas management system: sources and characteristics of waste gas in industry, processing processes at a glance: baghouse, scrubber, etc.
  9. Characterization of industrial waste: chemical analysis of various types of industrial waste.
  10. Industrial Waste Management Concept in Industrial Areas: introduction to the concept of industrial waste management in industrial areas.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa dapat memahami, menganalisa kebutuhan sistem, menginterpretasikan data untuk perhitungan dan perancangan sistem pengelolaan limbah industri.
  1. Students can understand, analyze system requirements, interpret data for calculations and design industrial waste management systems.
Metode PembelajaranKBL, PBLKBL, PBL
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, SinkronOffline, Synchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUraianEssay
Catatan Tambahan