Kode Mata KuliahBW3203 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara115 - Rekayasa Kehutanan / SITH
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahKonservasi Tumbuhan TropikaConservation of Tropical Plants
Bahan Kajian
  1. Keanekaragaman tumbuhan tropika dan konservasi: konsep keanekaragaman tumbuhan; keanekaragaman genetic dan spesies tumbuhan; evolusi dan fitogeografi tumbuhan tropika Konservasi tumbuhan : definisi, overview praktik konservasi di wilayah tropika, peran konservasi bagi keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan hutan khususnya bagi ekosistem tropika
  2. Ekologi Tumbuhan Tropis: Jenis-jenis ekosistem tropis seperti hutan hujan, savana, dan mangrove; Interaksi Ekologis: Hubungan antara tumbuhan dan komponen ekosistem lainnya seperti fauna, mikroorganisme, dan iklim
  3. Ancaman terhadap Tumbuhan Tropis: Perubahan Iklim dan dampaknya terhadap distribusi dan kesehatan tumbuhan tropis. Kerusakan Habitat: Deforestasi, urbanisasi, dan konversi lahan serta dampaknya terhadap populasi tumbuhan. Eksploitasi Berlebihan: Dampak penebangan liar, pengumpulan tanaman obat, dan perdagangan tumbuhan hias.
  4. Strategi Konservasi Tumbuhan : Konservasi In Situ: Pendekatan konservasi di habitat alami, termasuk pembuatan dan pengelolaan kawasan konservasi; Konservasi Ex Situ: Pendekatan di luar habitat alami seperti kebun raya, bank benih, dan kultur jaringan; Restorasi dan Rehabilitasi: Teknik pemulihan habitat yang telah rusak dan pengembalian tumbuhan ke habitat asli.
  5. Teknik dan Metodologi Konservasi : Metode Inventarisasi dan Monitoring: Teknik untuk mendata dan memantau populasi tumbuhan.
  6. Teknik Kultur Jaringan dan Pembiakan: Penggunaan bioteknologi untuk mendukung konservasi tumbuhan; Penelitian dan teknologi : Teknologi Modern: Penggunaan teknologi seperti GIS, remote sensing, dan bioteknologi dalam konservasi tumbuhan. Riset Terkini: Penelitian terbaru dan inovasi dalam bidang konservasi tumbuhan
  1. Tropical plant diversity and conservation: concept of plant diversity; genetic and species diversity of plants; evolution and phytogeography of tropical plants Plant conservation: definition, overview of conservation practices in the tropics, the role of conservation for forest plant biodiversity, especially for tropical ecosystems.
  2. Tropical Plant Ecology: Types of tropical ecosystems such as rainforests, savannas, and mangroves; Ecological Interactions: The relationship between plants and other ecosystem components such as fauna, microorganisms, and climate.
  3. Threats to Tropical Plants: Climate Change and its impact on tropical plant distribution and health. Habitat destruction: Deforestation, urbanization and land conversion and their impact on plant populations. Overexploitation: Impacts of illegal logging, medicinal plant collection, and the ornamental plant trade.
  4. Plant Conservation Strategies: In Situ Conservation: Conservation approaches in natural habitats, including the creation and management of conservation areas; Ex Situ Conservation: Approaches outside natural habitats such as botanical gardens, seed banks, and tissue culture; Restoration and Rehabilitation: Techniques for restoring damaged habitats and returning plants to native habitats.
  5. Conservation Techniques and Methodologies: Inventory and Monitoring Methods: Techniques for recording and monitoring plant populations.
  6. Tissue Culture and Breeding Techniques: Use of biotechnology to support plant conservation; Research and technology: Modern Technology: The use of technologies such as GIS, remote sensing, and biotechnology in plant conservation. Current Research: Recent research and innovations in the field of plant conservation
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu merencanakan rancangan lapangan untuk memecahkan permasalahan aspek rekayasa hutan khususnya bidang konservasi tumbuhan tropika
  2. Mampu mengimplementasikan rancangan lapangan untuk memecahkan permasalahan aspek rekayasa hutan khususnya bidang konservasi tumbuhan tropika
  3. Mampu memilih metode yang tepat yang digunakan dalam praktik konservasi tumbuhan tropika
  1. Able to plan field designs to solve problems in forest engineering aspects, especially in the field of tropical plant conservation
  2. Able to implement field designs to solve problems in forest engineering aspects, especially in the field of tropical plant conservation
  3. Able to choose the right method used in tropical plant conservation practice
Metode PembelajaranProses belajar dalam kelas/lapangan; Tugas terstruktur mandiri/kelompok; Kegiatan mandiri kelompokClassroom/field learning process; Independent/group structured assignments; Group independent activities
Modalitas PembelajaranDaya penyerapan: Visual; Auditorial; Kinestetik Daya pelaksanaan : Sinkron dan Asinkron Mandiri: mencari informasi, mengidentifikasi informasi yang penting, mencatat, mengorganisasi, mengelaborasi, meringkas, dan memantau pemahamanAbsorption ability: Visual; Auditory; Kinesthetic Execution ability: Synchronous and Asynchronous Independent: searching for information, identifying important information, taking notes, organizing, elaborating, summarizing, and monitoring understanding
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianStandar nilai huruf dan nilai indeks sesuai ketentuan akademik ITB (Sistem A, AB, B, BC, C, D, E)Standard letter grades and index grades according to ITB academic regulations (System A, AB, B, BC, C, D, E)
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