Kode Mata KuliahBW3205 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara115 - Rekayasa Kehutanan / SITH
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahIndustri Hasil HutanForest Products Industry
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pengertian Industri Hasil Hutan: definisi industri, definisi hasil hutan, spesifikasi, penggolongan industry hasil hutan.
  2. Pengenalan sumber bahan baku industry hasil hutan: potensi dan perkembangan hutan produksi alam dan tanaman, perkembangan produksi hasil hutan
  3. Pengenalan industri hasil hutan kayu dari aspek persyaratan bahan baku dan profilnya meliputi industri: industry kayu gergajian, industry pengerjaan kayu (wood working), industry kayu laminasi (glulam) dan cross laminated timber (CLT), industry veneer, industry kayu lapis dan laminated lumber (LVL),industry papan partikel dan Oriented Strand Board.
  4. Pengenalan industri hasil hutan bukan kayu dari aspek persyaratan bahan baku dan profilnya meliputi industri: industry pulp dan kertas, industry bambu dan rotan, industry aren dan nipah, industry minyak atsiri, industry getah, gaharu dan tannin, industry lebah madu dan ulat sutera, industry arang, pelet dan cuka kayu/bambu.
  5. Sistem perdagangan hasil hutan: pasar nasional, pasal internasional dan nilai ekonomi
  6. Pengenalan sistem keselamatan, kesehatan kerja dan lingkungan (K3L) industry hasil hutan dan etika profesi insinyur
  1. Introduction to Forest Products Industry: definition of industry, definition of forest products, specifications and classification of forest products industry.
  2. Introduction to sources of raw materials for the forest products industry: potential and development of natural production forests and plantations, development of forest product production.
  3. Introduction to the wood forest products industry from the aspect of raw material requirements and profiles including: sawn wood industry, wood working industry, laminated wood (glulam) and cross laminated timber (CLT) industry, veneer industry, plywood and laminated lumber industry (LVL), particle board and Oriented Strand Board industry
  4. Introduction to the non-timber forest products industry from the aspect of raw material requirements and profiles including: pulp and paper industry, bamboo and rattan industry, sugar palm and palm oil industry, essential oil industry, gum, gaharu and tannin industry, honey bee and silkworm industry, industry charcoal, pellets and wood/bamboo vinegar
  5. Forest product trading system: national market, international market and economic value
  6. Introduction to safety, occupational health and environmental (K3L) systems for the forest products industry and professional ethics for engineers
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu mengidentifikasi dan merumuskan permasalahan dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada aspek rekayasa hutan dengan menggunakan metode yang sesuai.
  2. Mampu menganalisis data dan informasi, menemukan solusi permasalahan dan menemukan metode baru dalam penyelesaian permasalahan aspek rekayasa hutan.
  3. Mampu bekerja secara profesional dengan menerapkan kode etik profesi engineer kehutanan dan menerapkan aspek keselamatan, kesehatan kerja dan lingkungan (K3L) dalam penyelesaian permasalahan kerekayasaan kehutanan.
  1. Able to identify and formulate problems and objectives to be achieved in the forest engineering aspect using appropriate methods.
  2. Able to analyze data and information, find solutions to problems and find new methods in solving problems in forest engineering aspects.
  3. Able to work professionally by applying the code of ethics of forestry engineers and implementing safety, occupational health, and environmental (K3L) aspects in solving forestry engineering problems.
Metode PembelajaranTatap muka, tugas mandiri, tugas kelompok, diskusi, kuis,Face to face, independent assignments, group assignments, discussions, quizzes
Modalitas PembelajaranVisual, auditorial, sinkron dan asinkronVisual, auditory, synchronous and asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianSistem Nilai Huruf (A, AB, B, BC, C, D dan E)Letter Grade System (A, AB, B, BC, C, D and E)
Catatan Tambahan