Kode Mata KuliahGD4202 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara151 - Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahGeografi LingkunganEnvironmental Geography
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pengenalan konsep geografi lingkungan
  2. Konsep bentuk dan fungsi tumbuhan
  3. Konsep bentuk dan fungsi hewan
  4. Konsep ekologi
  5. Konsep jasa ekosistem dan ekoregion (pengenalan proyek)
  6. Presentasi proyek/makalah
  7. Area pesisir
  8. Hidrologi dan erosi
  9. Perubahan iklim
  10. Proyek final
  1. Introduction to environmental geography concepts
  2. Concept of form and function of plants
  3. Concept of animal form and function
  4. Ecological concepts
  5. Ecosystem services and ecoregion concepts (project introduction)
  6. Project/paper presentation
  7. Coastal areas
  8. Hydrology and erosion
  9. Climate change
  10. Final project
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan konsep geografi lingkungan
  2. Mampu menjelaskan konsep bentuk dan fungsi tumbuhan
  3. Mampu menjelaskan konsep bentuk dan fungsi hewan
  4. Mampu menjelaskan konsep ekologi
  5. Mampu menjelaskan konsep jasa ekosistem dan ekoregion
  6. Mampu merepresentasikan hasil proyek yang dilakukan
  7. Mampu menjelaskan konsep area pesisir
  8. Mampu menjelaskan konsep hidrologi dan erosi
  9. Mampu menjelaskan konsep perubahan iklim
  10. Mampu menyelesaikan proyek final yang dilakukan
  1. Able to explain the concept of environmental geography
  2. Able to explain the concept of form and function of plants
  3. Able to explain the concept of animal form and function
  4. Able to explain the concept of ecology
  5. Able to explain the concepts of ecosystem services and ecoregions
  6. Able to represent the results of the project carried out
  7. Able to explain the concept of coastal area
  8. Able to explain the concept of hydrology and erosion
  9. Able to explain the concept of climate change
  10. Able to complete the final project carried out
Metode PembelajaranPBL, CBL, PjBLPBL, CBL, PjBL
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, Sinkron, AsinkronOffline, Synchronous, Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianTertulis: Uraian, Esai Lisan: Presentasi Tugas: Laporan, DemonstrasiWritten: Description, Essay Oral: Presentation Assignment: Report, Demonstration
Catatan Tambahan