Kode Mata KuliahBI6215 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara206 - Biologi / SITH
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPemodelan Biodiversitas dan Perubahan IklimBiodiversity and Climate Change Modelling
Bahan Kajian
  1. Konsep pemodelan: pengertian model; tujuan pemodelan; model spasial; klasifikasi pemodelan spasial
  2. Perubahan iklim dan biodiversitas: parameter iklim; konsep biodiversitas; penyebab perubahan iklim; dampak perubahan iklim; dampak perubahan iklim terhadap biodiversitas
  3. Pemodelan pengaruh iklim terhadap biodiversitas: pemodelan regresi pengaruh iklim terhadap biodiversitas; pemodelan pengaruh iklim terhadap biodiversitas dengan machine learning; studi kasus pengaruh iklim terhadap biodiversitas
  4. Pemodelan pengaruh perubahan iklim terhadap biodiversitas: pemodelan regresi pengaruh perubahan iklim terhadap biodiversitas; pemodelan pengaruh perubahan iklim terhadap biodiversitas dengan machine learning; studi kasus pengaruh perubahan iklim terhadap biodiversitas
  5. Pemodelan pengaruh dampak perubahan iklim terhadap biodiversitas: pemodelan pengaruh peningkatan muka air laut terhadap ekosistem mangrove, studi kasus pemodelan pengaruh peningkatan muka air laut terhadap ekosistem mangrove
  6. Pemodelan peran ekosistem dalam mitigasi perubahan iklim: pemodelan peran ekosistem dalam sekuestrasi karbon; studi kasus pemodelan peran ekosistem dalam sekuestrasi karbon
  1. Modeling concept: understanding model; modeling goals; spatial models; spatial modeling classification
  2. Climate change and biodiversity: climate parameters; biodiversity concept; drivers of climate change; impacts of climate change; the impact of climate change on biodiversity
  3. Modeling the influence of climate on biodiversity: regression modeling of the influence of climate on biodiversity; modeling the influence of climate on biodiversity using machine learning; case study of the influence of climate on biodiversity
  4. Modeling the influence of climate change on biodiversity: regression modeling of the influence of climate change on biodiversity; modeling the influence of climate change on biodiversity using machine learning; case study of the influence of climate change on biodiversity
  5. Modeling the influence of the impact of climate change on biodiversity: modeling the influence of rising sea levels on mangrove ecosystems, case study modeling the influence of rising sea levels on mangrove ecosystems
  6. Modeling the role of ecosystems in climate change mitigation: modeling the role of ecosystems in carbon sequestration; case study modeling the role of ecosystems in carbon sequestration
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan konsep pemodelan dan pemodelan spasial
  2. Mampu menjelaskan fenomena perubahan iklim, faktor penyebabnya, serta dampaknya, termasuk dampak terhadap biodiversitas
  3. Mampu mengaplikasikan beberapa metode pemodelan pengaruh iklim terhadap biodiversitas (regresi dan machine learning)
  4. Mampu mengaplikasikan beberapa metode pemodelan pengaruh perubahan iklim terhadap biodiversitas (regresi dan machine learning)
  5. Mampu melakukan pemodelan pengaruh dampak perubahan iklim terhadap biodiversitas
  6. Mampu melakukan pemodelan peran ekosistem dalam mitigasi perubahan iklim
  1. Able to explain the concept of modeling and spatial modeling
  2. Able to explain the phenomenon of climate change, its causing factors and impacts, including the impact on biodiversity.
  3. Able to apply modeling methods on the influence of climate on biodiversity (regression and machine learning)
  4. Able to apply modeling methods on the influence of climate change on biodiversity (regression and machine learning)
  5. Able to apply modeling methods on the influence of the impacts of climate change on biodiversity
  6. Able to model the role of ecosystems in climate change mitigation
Metode PembelajaranProses belajar dalam kelas/lapangan; Tugas terstruktur mandiri/kelompok; Kegiatan mandiriClassroom/field learning process; Independent/group structured assignments; Independent activities
Modalitas PembelajaranDaya penyerapan: Visual; Auditorial; Kinestetik Daya pelaksanaan : Sinkron dan Asinkron Mandiri: mencari informasi, mengidentifikasi informasi yang penting, mencatat, mengorganisasi, mengelaborasi, meringkas, dan memantau pemahamanAbsorption power: Visual; Auditorial; Kinesthetic Implementation power: Synchronous and Asynchronous Independent: searching for information, identifying important information, taking notes, organizing, elaborating, summarizing, and monitoring understanding
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianStandar nilai huruf dan nilai indeks sesuai ketentuan akademik ITB (Sistem A, AB, B, BC, C, D, E)Standard grades and index according to ITB academic regulations (System A, AB, B, BC, C, D, E)
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