Kode Mata KuliahKI2251 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara105 - Kimia / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahKimia Organik IIOrganic Chemistry II
Bahan Kajian
  1. Struktur, tata nama, sifat fisik, sintesis dan reaksi kimia senyawa aldehid dan keton (reaksi adisi nukleofilik, reaksi Wittig, reaksi reduksi dan oksidasi).
  2. Keasaman H-alfa pada senyawa karbonil, reaksi pada karbon-alfa senyawa karbonil (enolat dan karbanion): reaksi kondensasi aldol, Claissen, Dieckman, Cannizaro)
  3. Struktur, tata nama, sifat fisik, sintesis dan reaksi kimia senyawa asam karboksilat dan turunannya (reaksi substitusi nukleofilik asil, esterifikasi, reaksi reduksi asam karboksilat)
  4. Struktur, tatanama, siat fisik, sintesis dan reaksi kimia senyawa amina dan turunannya (sintesis Gabriel, aminase reduktif, penataan ulang Hoffmann, penataan ulang Curtius, eliminasi Hoffmann)
  5. Struktur, sifat fisik dan reaksi kimia asam amino dan protein, penentuan urutan asam amino pada rantai polipeptida, sintesis polipeptida
  6. Struktur, sifat fisik dan reaksi kimia karbohidrat
  7. Struktur, sifat fisik dan reaksi kimia senyawa bahan alam: asam nukleat dan lipid (asam lemak, trigliserida, fosfolipid, terpen, terpenoid, dan steroid)
  1. Structure, nomenclature, physical properties, synthesis and chemical reactions of aldehyde and ketone compounds (nucleophilic addition reactions, Wittig reactions, reduction and oxidation reactions).
  2. H-alpha acidity in carbonyl compounds, reactions in alpha-carbons of carbonyl compounds (enolates and carbanions): aldol condensation reactions, Claissen, Dieckman, Cannizaro)
  3. Structure, nomenclature, physical properties, synthesis and chemical reactions of carboxylic acid compounds and their derivatives (acyl nucleophilic substitution reactions, esterification, carboxylic acid reduction reactions)
  4. Structure, nomenclature, physical properties, synthesis and chemical reactions of amine compounds and their derivatives (Gabriel synthesis, reductive amines, Hoffmann rearrangement, Curtius rearrangement, Hoffmann elimination)
  5. Structure, physical properties and chemical reactions of amino acids and proteins, determination of the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain, synthesis of polypeptides
  6. Structure, physical properties and chemical reactions of carbohydrates
  7. Structure, physical properties and chemical reactions of natural compound compounds: nucleic acids and lipids (fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, terpenes, terpenoids and steroids)
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan sifat fisik senyawa organik melalui penggambaran struktur molekul, struktur resonansi, konformasi, dan/atau stereokimianya.
  2. Mampu menjelaskan sifat kimia senyawa organik melalui penggambaran skema dan/atau mekanisme reaksi-reaksi dasar dalam kimia organik yang meliputi reaksi adisi nukleofilik, reaksi kondensasi pada karbon-alfa senyawa karbon, reaksi substitusi nuklofilik asil, reaksi reduksi dan oksidasi pada senyawa karbonil.
  3. Mampu menentukan urutan asam amino penyusun polipeptida dan menguraikan sintesis polipeptida dari asam-asam amino penyusunnya melalui konsep proteksi-aktivasi dan SPPS (solid phase peptide synthesis)
  4. Mampu menjelaskan sifat fisik dan kimia senyawa asam nukleat, karbohidrat, dan lipid melalui penggambaran strutur maupun reaksi dan/atau mekanisme reaksi kimia pada senyawa organik tersebut.
  5. Mampu mengomunikasikan secara tulisan dan/atau lisan hasil eksperimen dan/atau hasil penelusuran literatur dengan mengedepankan etika dan kejujuran.
  1. Capable of explaining the physical properties of organic compounds through describing their molecular structure, resonance structure, conformation and/or stereochemistry.
  2. Capable of explaining the chemical properties of organic compounds through describing schemes and/or mechanisms of basic reactions in organic chemistry which include nucleophilic addition reactions, condensation reactions on carbon-alpha carbon compounds, nuclophilic acyl substitution reactions, reduction and oxidation reactions on carbonyl compounds.
  3. Capable of determining the sequence of amino acids that make up polypeptides and describe the synthesis of polypeptides from their constituent amino acids through the concept of protection-activation and SPPS (solid phase peptide synthesis)
  4. Capable of explaining the physical and chemical properties of nucleic acid, carbohydrate and lipid compounds through describing the structure and reactions and/or mechanisms of chemical reactions in these organic compounds.
  5. Capable of conveying in writing and/or verbally the results of experiments and/or literature searches by prioritizing ethics and honesty.
Metode PembelajaranCeramah Tutorial Diskusi, presentasi kelompokLecture Tutorials Discussions, group presentations
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Sinkron Daring AsinkronSynchronous Offline Asynchronous Online
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianNilai Akhir = UTS (45%) + UAS (45%) + Tugas dan Kuis (10%) INDEKS NILAI: 75 ≥ A; 75 < AB ≤ 68; 68 < B ≤ 60; 60 < BC ≤ 55; 55 < C ≤ 50; 50 < D ≤ 45; 45 < E Tidak ada ujian susulan. UTS bisa dilaksanakan lebih dari 1 kali. Tugas yang terlambat dikumpulkan tidak akan dinilai. Kuis akan diadakan minimal setiap tiga minggu sekali. Setelah 15 menit kuliah berlangsung tidak diperbolehkan mengikuti kuliah. Untuk mengikuti ujian, minimal kehadiran 80%.Final Grade = UTS (45%) + UAS (45%) + Assignments and Quizzes (10%) INDEX GRADE: 75 ≥ A; 75 < AB ≤ 68; 68 < B ≤ 60; 60 < BC ≤ 55; 55 < C ≤ 50; 50 < D ≤ 45; 45 < E There are no follow-up exams. UTS can be carried out more than once. Assignments submitted late will not be graded. Quizzes will be held at least once every three weeks. After 15 minutes of lectures, you are not allowed to attend the lecture. To take the exam, minimum attendance is 80%.
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