Bahan Kajian | - Peran air di dalam sel
- Struktur dan Sifat Asam Amino
- Struktur dan Fungsi Protein
- Kinetika Enzim
- Struktur dan Fungsi Karbohidrat
- Struktur dan Fungsi Lipid
- Struktur dan Fungsi Asam Nukleat: replikasi, transkripsi dan translasi
| - The role of water in cells
- Structure and Properties of Amino Acids
- Protein Structure and Function
- Enzyme Kinetics
- Structure and Function of Carbohydrates
- Structure and Function of Lipids
- Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids: replication, transcription and translation
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - mampu menulis struktur stereokimia monomer sebagai monomer bebas (seperti asam amino, gula, triasilgliserol, dan nukleotida) dengan tepat
- memahami sifat kimia dan sifat fisika biomolekul sebagai monomer bebas (seperti asam amino, gula, triasilgliserol, dan nukleotida) maupun sebagai biomolekul kompleks/polimer (protein, karbohidrat, lipid, dan asam nukleat)
- memahami hierarki pembentukan biomolekul kompleks dan sifat fisikokimianya terkait kestabilan dan pelipatan/stereokimia untuk berbagai pemanfaatan pemisahan, pemurnian, dan modifikasi
- memahami prinsip kerja enzim sebagai biokatalis, peran kofaktor dan koenzim dalam fungsi enzim, kinetika reaksi enzim, dan inhibisi reaksi enzim
- memahami struktur sterokimia dan sifat suatu gula sederhana (monosakarida) dan glikan (polisakarida dan proteoglikan)
- memahami struktur sterokimia dan sifat suatu triasilgliserol, fosfolipid, kholesterol dan fungsinya sebagai sumber energi, pembangun membran sel, dan transpor
- memahami struktur asam nuklat DNA heliks ganda (Watson-Crick) dan RNA dan sifatnya, mengerti aliran informasi genetik terkait dengan replikasi dan ekspresi gen (transkripsi dan translasi)
- mampu mengidentifikasi masalah kompleks dan menguraikannya menjadi masalah-masalah yang sederhana yang masing-masing diselesaikan secara individu pada suatu kerja tim baik itu pekerjaan laboratorium ataupun tugas kuliah
- mengerti fungsi peran masing-masing dalam kerjasama tim sebagai pemimpin tim atau anggota
- mampu mengedepankan sifat terbuka, proaktif, dan obyektif untuk mencapai tujuan bersama dalam kerangka kerja tim
| - able to write the stereochemical structure of monomers as free monomers (such as amino acids, sugars, triacylglycerols, and nucleotides) correctly
- understand the chemical and physical properties of biomolecules as free monomers (such as amino acids, sugars, triacylglycerols, and nucleotides) or as complex biomolecules/polymers (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids)
- understand the hierarchy of formation of complex biomolecules and their physicochemical properties related to stability and folding/stereochemistry for various uses of separation, purification and modification
- understand the working principles of enzymes as biocatalysts, the role of cofactors and coenzymes in enzyme function, enzyme reaction kinetics, and inhibition of enzyme reactions
- understand the sterochemical structure and properties of simple sugars (monosaccharides) and glycans (polysaccharides and proteoglycans)
- understand the sterochemical structure and properties of triacylglycerol, phospholipids, cholesterol and their function as energy sources, cell membrane builders, and transporters
- understand the nucleic acid structure of double helix DNA (Watson-Crick) and RNA and their properties, understand the flow of genetic information related to replication and gene expression (transcription and translation)
- able to identify complex problems and decompose them into simple problems which can each be solved individually in team work, be it laboratory work or college assignments
- understand the function of each role in team collaboration as a team leader or member
- able to prioritize an open, proactive and objective nature to achieve common goals within a team framework