Kode Mata KuliahKI4263 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara105 - Kimia / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahTransformasi karbohidratCarbohydrate Transformation
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pengantar glikosains
  2. Struktur bentuk rantai terbuka gugus pereduksi dan reaksi gugus karbonil
  3. Subtsitusi nukleofil pada pusat anomer
  4. Konformasi monosakarida
  5. Struktur primer dan konformasi oligosakarida dan polisakarida
  6. Hidrolisis glikan yang dikatalisis enzim (keluarga glikosil hidrolase)
  7. Transfer glikosil yang dikatalisis enzim (keluarga glikosil transferase)
  8. Tren riset karbohidrat
  1. Introduction to glycoscience
  2. The structure of the open chain form of the reducing group and the reaction of the carbonyl group
  3. Nucleophile substitution at the anomeric center
  4. Monosaccharide conformation
  5. Primary structure and conformation of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides
  6. Enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of glycans (glycosyl hydrolase family)
  7. Enzyme-catalyzed glycosyl transfer (glycosyl transferase family)
  8. Carbohydrate research trends
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mengetahui dan memahami peta jalan transformasi glikosains pada energi, kesehan dan sains material.
  2. Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi struktur stereokimia gula dan kereaktifannya pada reaksi adisi nukleofilik pada gugus karbonil gula.
  3. Mahasiswa memahami reaksi pada karbon anomer gula untuk tujuan modifikasi strukturnya
  4. Mahasiswa mampu analisis perbedaan konformasi karbohidrat dengan molekul organik lainnya.
  5. Mahasiswa memahami isolasi, identifikasi, penentuan struktur dan konformasi olisakarida dan polisakarida
  6. Mahasiswa memahami prinsip dan mekanisme kerja enzim keluarga glikosil hidrolase
  7. Mahasiswa memahami prinsip dan mekanisme kerja enzim keluarga glikosil transferase
  8. Mahasiswa mampu mencari dan mendapatkan literatur primer (publikasi) bermutu terbaru terkait karborhidrat dan transformasinya melalui reaksi kimia atau enzimatik.
  9. Mahasiswa mampu membaca dan menjelaskan literatur primer (publikasi) bermutu terbaru terkait karborhidrat dan transformasinya melalui reaksi kimia atau enzimatik.
  10. Mahasiswa mampu mengkomunikasikan literatur primer (publikasi) bermutu terbaru terkait karborhidrat dan transformasinya melalui reaksi kimia atau enzimatik.
  11. Mahasiswa mampu memberi penilaian dan menjelaskan arah perkembangan transformasi karbohidrat dari literatur primer (publikasi) bermutu terbaru.
  1. Students know and understand the roadmap for glycoscience transformation in energy, health and materials science.
  2. Students are able to identify the stereochemical structure of sugar and its reactivity in nucleophilic addition reactions to the sugar carbonyl group.
  3. Students understand reactions on the anomeric carbon of sugar for the purpose of modifying its structure
  4. Students are able to analyze differences in carbohydrate conformation with other organic molecules.
  5. Students understand the isolation, identification, structure and conformation determination of olisaccharides and polysaccharides
  6. Students understand the principles and mechanisms of action of the glycosyl hydrolase family enzymes
  7. Students understand the principles and mechanisms of action of the glycosyl transferase family enzymes
  8. Students are able to search for and obtain the latest quality primary literature (publications) related to carbohydrates and their transformation through chemical or enzymatic reactions.
  9. Students are able to read and explain the latest quality primary literature (publications) related to carbohydrates and their transformation through chemical or enzymatic reactions.
  10. Students are able to communicate the latest quality primary literature (publications) related to carbohydrates and their transformation through chemical or enzymatic reactions.
  11. Students are able to assess and explain the direction of development of carbohydrate transformation from the latest quality primary literature (publications).
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, studi literatur, dan/atau presentasiLectures, literature studies, and/or presentations
Modalitas PembelajaranVisual dan auditorial; Sinkronous dan/atau asinkronousVisual and auditory; Synchronous and/or asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian, Tugas, LaporanExams, Assignments, Reports
Catatan Tambahan