Kode Mata KuliahBT5141 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara211 - Bioteknologi / SITH
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahVirologi MolekulerMolecular Virology
Bahan Kajian
  1. Struktur Virus
  2. Replikasi dan Transkripsi Virus pada Tingkat Molekuler
  3. Regulasi Genetik dan Kontrol Ekspresi Virus
  4. Evolusi Virus dan Dinamika Populasi
  5. Interaksi Molekuler Virus-Host
  6. Mekanisme Molekuler Patogenesis Virus
  7. Teknologi Terbaru dalam Penelitian Virologi Molekuler
  8. Vaksin dan Terapi Antiviral Berbasis Molekuler
  9. Studi Kasus Virus Emerging dan Re-Emerging
  10. Aplikasi Virologi Molekuler dalam Industri Bioteknologi
  1. Virus Structure
  2. Virus Replication and Transcription at the Molecular Level
  3. Genetic Regulation and Control of Virus Expression
  4. Virus Evolution and Population Dynamics
  5. Virus-Host Molecular Interactions
  6. Molecular Mechanisms of Virus Pathogenesis
  7. Latest Technologies in Molecular Virology Research
  8. Molecular-based Vaccines and Antiviral Therapy
  9. Case Studies of Emerging and Re-Emerging Viruses
  10. Application of Molecular Virology in Biotechnology Industry
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan rincian proses molekuler dari siklus hidup virus
  2. Mampu mengidentifikasi implikasi dari proses molekuler pada no.1 pada penyakit manusia dan pengobatan antivirus
  3. Mampu menjelaskan pentingnya bioteknologi dan penggunaan virus
  4. mahasiswa dapat mempresentasikan secara tertulis dan oral hasil pembahasan terkait studi kasus dan rangkuman artikel yang sudah dipelajarinya terkait virologi molekular
  1. Able to explain the details of the molecular processes of the viral life cycle
  2. Able to identify the implications of the molecular process in no.1 on human disease and antiviral treatment
  3. Able to explain the importance of biotechnology and the use of viruses
  4. students are able to present in writing and orally the results of discussions related to case studies and summaries of articles that have been studied related to molecular virology
Metode PembelajaranProses belajar dalam kelas, Penugasan terstruktur, Kegiatan mandiriAn in-class learning process, Structured assignments, Independent activities
Modalitas PembelajaranModa penyerapan: Visual, Auditorial Moda Pelaksanaan: Sinkronous, AsinkronousModes of absorption: Visual, Auditorial Modes of Execution: Synchronous, Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUTS 30%; UAS 30%; Tugas 20%; Kuis 10%; Presentasi 10%Midterm Exam 30%; Final Exam 30%; Assignments 20%; Quiz 10%; Presentation 10%
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