Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mempelajari dasar-dasar dinamika aliran hipersonik, mencakup detonasi dan deflagration, dan juga asumsi kecepatan tak hingga
- Melakukan analisis dan menitepretasikan hasil analitik dan hasil numerik aliran over expanded dan under expanded dibelakang exhaust nozzle
- Melakukan kerjasama tim dan mempresentasikan tugas kelompok dalam menganalis aliran over expanded dan under expanded dibelakang exhaust nozzle
- Mempelajari fenomena aliran transonik dan aliran hipersonik beserta metode pendekatan
- Mempelajari konsep aliran hipersonik viskos, mencakup kasus lapisan batas dan titik stagnasi
- Memahami konsep dinamika aliran temperatur tinggi, mencakup aliran hipersonik inviscid equilibrium dan nonequilibrium, serta aliran hipersonik viskos
| - Learn the basics of hypersonic flow dynamics, including detonation and deflagration, and also the assumption of infinite speed
- Carry out analysis and interpret the analytical results and numerical results of the over expanded and under expanded flow behind the exhaust nozzle
- Carry out team collaboration and present group assignments in analyzing the over-expanded and under-expanded flow behind the exhaust nozzle
- Studying the phenomena of transonic flow and hypersonic flow along with approach methods
- Study the concept of viscous hypersonic flow, including the cases of boundary layers and stagnation points
- Understand the concept of high temperature flow dynamics, including inviscid equilibrium and nonequilibrium hypersonic flow, as well as viscous hypersonic flow