Bahan Kajian | - Pengantar metodologi penelitian: pengertian penelitian ilmiah dan teknikal, perumusan masalah, penelusuran literatur dan pengelolaan informasi, penyusunan rencana penelitian, dan evaluasi hasil penelitian.
- Metode statistik: analisis deskriptif, inferensi 1- dan 2-sampel, percobaan 1-faktor, percobaan faktorial, percobaan non-linier, percobaan campuran, strategi percobaan progresif.
- Presentasi ilmiah: perencanaan presentasi (penentuan tujuan dan analisa audiens), persiapan presentasi (pengumpulan dan evaluasi bahan presentasi, organisasi informasi, penyiapan alat bantu presentasi, dll.), teknik penyampaian (verbal, non-verbal, sistematisasi isi presentasi).
- Aspek etika dalam penelitian: jenis & lingkup hak kekayaan intelektual, penghindaran plagiasi, etika berpublikasi.
| - Introduction to Research Methodology: understanding scientific and technical research, problem formulation, literature review and information management, research planning, and evaluation of research outcomes.
- Statistical Methods: descriptive analysis, single-sample and two-sample inference, single-factor experiments, factorial experiments, nonlinear experiments, mixture experiments, and progressive experimentation strategies.
- Scientific Presentations: planning (defining objectives and analyzing the audience), preparation (gathering and evaluating materials, organizing information, preparing visual aids, etc.), and delivery techniques (verbal, non-verbal, and systematic content organization).
- Ethical Aspects of Research: types and scope of intellectual property rights, plagiarism avoidance, and publication ethics.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Melakukan analisis data pengukuran dengan metode statistika deskripktif dan inferensial
- Mengestimasi parameter dengan metode regresi linier
- Menyusun dan menelaah data percobaan faktorial, non-linier, & campuran.
- Merumuskan latar belakang, tujuan, & metodologi riset tesis.
- Mampu menghimpun dan menata informasi dari literatur sebagai pendukung riset
| - Analyzing measurement data using descriptive and inferential statistical methods.
- Estimating parameters through linear regression methods.
- Organizing and evaluating data from factorial, nonlinear, and mixed experiments.
- Developing the background, objectives, and methodology for thesis research.
- Capable of collecting and organizing literature to support research.
Metode Penilaian | Ujian I tentang statistika,
Ujian II tentang metodologi penelitian & etika ilmiah, naskah Usulan Penelitian,
presentasi draf proposal | Exam I on statistics
Exam II on research methodology and scientific ethics, research proposal manuscript, and presentation of the proposal draft. |