Kode Mata KuliahFI5161 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara202 - Fisika / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPencitraan Dinamika Bawah Permukaan BumiEarths Dynamics Subsurface Imaging
Bahan Kajian
  1. Medan potensial listrik
  2. Metode pengukuran dan pengolahan resistivitas bawah permukaan 1-D
  3. Metode pengukuran dan pengolahan resistivitas bawah permukaan 2-D Tomografi
  4. Archie’s Equation, Resistivity Index (RI), Dual Water Model, Waxman-Smits Equation, Petrophysics Well logging
  5. Perambatan Gelombang elastik
  6. Penentuan pusat Gempa, Penentuan Magnitude, Penentuan Tensor Momen
  7. Tomography (Passive Tomography, Global Tomography)
  8. Processing data Seismic Refraksi dan Seismik Tomografi
  9. Processing data Seismic Refleksi (CDP Gather, Sorting, NMO, Migrasi post stack dan pre-stack time migration)
  10. Velocity model building dan Pre-stack Depth Migration
  11. Perhitungan Cadangan Sumberdaya alam
  12. Time Lapse Tomography
  1. Electric potential field
  2. Method for measuring and processing 1-D subsurface resistivity
  3. 2-D Tomography subsurface resistivity measurement and processing method
  4. Archie's Equation, Resistivity Index (RI), Dual Water Model, Waxman-Smits Equation, Petrophysics Well logging
  5. Elastic Wave Propagation
  6. Determination of the center of an earthquake, determination of magnitude, determination of moment tensor
  7. Tomography (Passive Tomography, Global Tomography)
  8. Processing Seismic Refraction and Seismic Tomography data
  9. Processing Seismic Reflection data (CDP Gather, Sorting, NMO, Post stack migration and pre-stack time migration)
  10. Velocity model building and Pre-stack Depth Migration
  11. Calculation of Natural Resource Reserves
  12. Time Lapse Tomography
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa memahami pemakaian medan potensial untuk pencitraan bawah permukaan
  2. Mahasiswa memahami pemakaian medan gelombang seismik untuk pencitraan bawah
  3. Mahasiswa mampu memahami sifat elastik batuan, sifat kelistrikan dalam pori batuan dan bumi, termasuk petrofisika well logging
  4. Mahasiswa mampu memahami cara merekonstruksi medan potensial dan medan gelombang untuk mencitrakan bawah permukaan bumi
  5. Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan pemahaman teknik inversi untuk mencitrakan bawah permukaan bumi dan batuan
  6. Mahasiswa mampu memahami ilmu lintas bidang dari uji laboratorium, well logging, data inversi medan gelombang seismik atau medan potensial untuk menghitung cadangan sumber daya alam
  7. Mahasiswa mampu memahami ilmu lintas bidang dari uji laboratorium, well logging, data inversi medan gelombang seismik atau medan potensial untuk mengukur dinamika pergerakan bawah permukaan
  1. Students understand the use of potential fields for subsurface imaging
  2. Students understand the use of seismic wave fields for bottom imaging
  3. Students are able to understand the elastic properties of rocks, electrical properties in rock and earth pores, including the petrophysics of well logging
  4. Students are able to understand how to reconstruct potential fields and wave fields to image the earth's subsurface
  5. Students are able to apply an understanding of inversion techniques to image the subsurface of the earth and rocks
  6. Students are able to understand cross-disciplinary science from laboratory tests, well logging, seismic wave field inversion data or potential fields to calculate natural resource reserves
  7. Students are able to understand cross-disciplinary science from laboratory tests, well logging, seismic wave field inversion data or potential fields to measure the dynamics of subsurface movement
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, diskusi kelompok.Lectures, group discussions.
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Sinkron, Bauran/Daring Asinkron, Dosen Tamu Industri, Dosen Tamu Peneliti dari berbagai institusiSynchronous Offline, Mixed/Asynchronous Online, Industrial Guest Lecturer, Research Guest Lecturer from various institutions
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUTS, UAS, Tugas dan KuisUTS, UAS, Assignments and Quizzes
Catatan TambahanMKPBMKPB