Kode Mata Kuliah | FI5161 / 3 SKS |
Penyelenggara | 202 - Fisika / FMIPA |
Kategori | Kuliah |
| Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Nama Mata Kuliah | Pencitraan Dinamika Bawah Permukaan Bumi | Earths Dynamics Subsurface Imaging |
Bahan Kajian | - Medan potensial listrik
- Metode pengukuran dan pengolahan resistivitas bawah permukaan 1-D
- Metode pengukuran dan pengolahan resistivitas bawah permukaan 2-D Tomografi
- Archie’s Equation, Resistivity Index (RI), Dual Water Model, Waxman-Smits Equation, Petrophysics Well logging
- Perambatan Gelombang elastik
- Penentuan pusat Gempa, Penentuan Magnitude, Penentuan Tensor Momen
- Tomography (Passive Tomography, Global Tomography)
- Processing data Seismic Refraksi dan Seismik Tomografi
- Processing data Seismic Refleksi (CDP Gather, Sorting, NMO, Migrasi post stack dan pre-stack time migration)
- Velocity model building dan Pre-stack Depth Migration
- Perhitungan Cadangan Sumberdaya alam
- Time Lapse Tomography
| - Electric potential field
- Method for measuring and processing 1-D subsurface resistivity
- 2-D Tomography subsurface resistivity measurement and processing method
- Archie's Equation, Resistivity Index (RI), Dual Water Model, Waxman-Smits Equation, Petrophysics Well logging
- Elastic Wave Propagation
- Determination of the center of an earthquake, determination of magnitude, determination of moment tensor
- Tomography (Passive Tomography, Global Tomography)
- Processing Seismic Refraction and Seismic Tomography data
- Processing Seismic Reflection data (CDP Gather, Sorting, NMO, Post stack migration and pre-stack time migration)
- Velocity model building and Pre-stack Depth Migration
- Calculation of Natural Resource Reserves
- Time Lapse Tomography
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mahasiswa memahami pemakaian medan potensial untuk pencitraan bawah permukaan
- Mahasiswa memahami pemakaian medan gelombang seismik untuk pencitraan bawah
- Mahasiswa mampu memahami sifat elastik batuan, sifat kelistrikan dalam pori batuan dan bumi, termasuk petrofisika well logging
- Mahasiswa mampu memahami cara merekonstruksi medan potensial dan medan gelombang untuk mencitrakan bawah permukaan bumi
- Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan pemahaman teknik inversi untuk mencitrakan bawah permukaan bumi dan batuan
- Mahasiswa mampu memahami ilmu lintas bidang dari uji laboratorium, well logging, data inversi medan gelombang seismik atau medan potensial untuk menghitung cadangan sumber daya alam
- Mahasiswa mampu memahami ilmu lintas bidang dari uji laboratorium, well logging, data inversi medan gelombang seismik atau medan potensial untuk mengukur dinamika pergerakan bawah permukaan
| - Students understand the use of potential fields for subsurface imaging
- Students understand the use of seismic wave fields for bottom imaging
- Students are able to understand the elastic properties of rocks, electrical properties in rock and earth pores, including the petrophysics of well logging
- Students are able to understand how to reconstruct potential fields and wave fields to image the earth's subsurface
- Students are able to apply an understanding of inversion techniques to image the subsurface of the earth and rocks
- Students are able to understand cross-disciplinary science from laboratory tests, well logging, seismic wave field inversion data or potential fields to calculate natural resource reserves
- Students are able to understand cross-disciplinary science from laboratory tests, well logging, seismic wave field inversion data or potential fields to measure the dynamics of subsurface movement
Metode Pembelajaran | Ceramah, diskusi kelompok. | Lectures, group discussions. |
Modalitas Pembelajaran | Luring Sinkron, Bauran/Daring Asinkron, Dosen Tamu Industri, Dosen Tamu Peneliti dari berbagai institusi | Synchronous Offline, Mixed/Asynchronous Online, Industrial Guest Lecturer, Research Guest Lecturer from various institutions |
Jenis Nilai | ABCDE |
Metode Penilaian | UTS, UAS, Tugas dan Kuis | UTS, UAS, Assignments and Quizzes |
Catatan Tambahan | MKPB | MKPB |