Kode Mata Kuliah | FI5086 / 3 SKS |
Penyelenggara | 247 - Pengajaran Fisika / FMIPA |
Kategori | Kuliah |
| Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Nama Mata Kuliah | Bumi Antariksa dan Sains Kehidupan | Earth, Space and Life Sciences |
Bahan Kajian | - Jagat raya: galaksi, kluster galaksi, bintang, evlusi jagat raya
- Tata Surya: sistem tatasurya; Matahari sebagai bintang; planet, bulan, dan karakteristiknya; revolusi Bumi dan Bulan; rotasi Bumi;
- Iklim dan cuaca: pengertian; pengaruh rotasi dan revolusi Bumi bagi kehidupan di Bumi; dampak perubahan iklim bagi ekosistem; isu pemanasan global
- Lapisan Bumi: struktur Bumi, gunung api, gempa bumi dan tsunami, mitigasi bencana
- Lapisan atmosfer Bumi: lapisan atmosfer dan karakteristiknya; pengaruh lapisan atmosfer terhadap kehidupan di Bumi; pengaruh pemanasan global terhadap atmosfer
- Klasifikasi: makhluk hidup dan benda tak hidup, ciri-ciri makhluk hidup, klasifikasi makhluk hidup
- Sistem Organisasi Kehidupan: sel, jaringan, organ, sistem organ, organisme
- Energi: bentuk-bentuk energi, sumber energi, perubahan bentuk energi, transfer energi dalam sel, fotosintesis, respirasi
- Sistem Pencernaan Makanan dan Kaitannya dengan Sistem Tubuh: sistem pencernaan, sistem pernapasan, sistem peredaran darah
- Sistem ekskresi manusia: pengertian, organ, dan penyakit yang terkait
- Sistem reproduksi: sistem reproduksi pada manusia, tumbuhan, dan hewan.
- Hereditas Manusia
- Sistem Gerak pada Manusia: struktur rangka dan otot
- Makhluk Hidup dan Lingkungan: interaksi antara makhluk hidup dan lingkungan, dinamika populasi
- Pencemaran Lingkungan: pencemaran udara, pencemaran air, pencemaran tanah, dampak pencemaran bagi ekosistem
| - Universe: galaxies, galaxy clusters, stars, evolution of the universe
- Solar System: solar system; The sun as a star; planets, moons, and their characteristics; revolution of the Earth and Moon; Earth Rotation;
- Climate and weather: meaning; the influence of the Earth's rotation and revolution on life on Earth; the impact of climate change on ecosystems; global warming issue
- Earth Layers: Earth structure, volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis, disaster mitigation
- Layers of the Earth's atmosphere: layers of the atmosphere and their characteristics; the influence of atmospheric layers on life on Earth; the effect of global warming on the atmosphere
- Classification: living things and non-living things, characteristics of living things, classification of living things
- Life Organization Systems: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms
- Energy: forms of energy, sources of energy, changes in forms of energy, transfer of energy in cells, photosynthesis, respiration
- Food Digestive System and Its Relationship to Body Systems: digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system
- Human excretory system: definition, organs and related diseases
- Reproductive system: reproductive system in humans, plants and animals.
- Human Heredity
- Movement System in Humans: skeletal and muscle structure
- Living Things and the Environment: interactions between living things and the environment, population dynamics
- Environmental Pollution: air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, impact of pollution on the ecosystem
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mahasiswa memahami struktur dan dinamika jagat raya, sistem tata surya, rotasi dan revolusi bumi dan bulan, serta dampaknya bagi kehidupan di bumi
- Mahasiswa memahami Bumi sebagai tempat kehidupan, lapisan Bumi, atmosfer Bumi, pengaruh dinamika Bumi terhadap kehidupan, bencana dan mitigasinya
- Mahasiswa memahami sistem-sistem dasar yang mencirikan makhluk hidup.
- Mahasiswa mampu memecahkan masalah yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hidup dan mitigasi bencana
- Mahasiswa memahami struktur dan dinamika jagat raya, sistem tata surya, rotasi dan revolusi bumi dan bulan, serta dampaknya bagi kehidupan di bumi
- Mahasiswa memahami Bumi sebagai tempat kehidupan, lapisan Bumi, atmosfer Bumi, pengaruh dinamika Bumi terhadap kehidupan, bencana dan mitigasinya
| - Students understand the structure and dynamics of the universe, the solar system, the rotation and revolution of the earth and moon, and their impact on life on earth
- Students understand the Earth as a place of life, the layers of the Earth, the Earth's atmosphere, the influence of Earth dynamics on life, disasters and their mitigation
- Students understand the basic systems that characterize living things.
- Students are able to solve problems related to the environment and disaster mitigation
- Students understand the structure and dynamics of the universe, the solar system, the rotation and revolution of the earth and moon, and their impact on life on earth
- Students understand the Earth as a place of life, the layers of the Earth, the Earth's atmosphere, the influence of Earth dynamics on life, disasters and their mitigation
Metode Pembelajaran | Tatap muka, problem based learning (PBL), research based learning (RBL) | In-person class, problem based learning (PBL), research based learning (RBL) |
Modalitas Pembelajaran | Luring singkron, visual | Synchronous offline, visual |
Jenis Nilai | ABCDE |
Metode Penilaian | UTS, UAS, Tugas, Kuis, RBL/PBL | UTS, UAS, Assignments, Quizzes, RBL/PBL |
Catatan Tambahan | MKWP | MKWP |