Kode Mata KuliahFA2113 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara107 - Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi / SF
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahKimia Organik ObatDrug Organic Chemistry
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan termasuk karakteristik senyawa kimia yang digunakan sebagai obat dan sejarah sintesis obat.
  2. Nomenklatur, meliputi: IUPAC, CAS, INN; Nomenklatur trivial, sistematik dan substitutive; Nomenklatur radiko-fungsional, nomenklatur heteromonosiklik (Hantzsch-Widman), hidrokarbon polisiklik terkondensasi, sistem Von Baeyer, dan hidrokarbon spiro
  3. Reaktivitas kimiawi termasuk klasifikasi reaksi organik beserta contoh-contohnya, faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh, dalam reaksi organik, pembentukan spesi aktif, dan reaksi kimia organik
  4. Hubungan struktur dan reaktivitas, stereokimia, pemahaman hubungan struktur molekul dengan aktivitas biologis, termasuk peran gugus fungsional, stereokimia terhadap sifat fisikokimia dan reaktivitas suatu senyawa.
  5. Prinsip-prinsip dasar dalam desain obat, seperti modifikasi struktur senyawa obat dan studi kasus/ contoh modifikasi molekul obat
  1. The introduction includes the characteristics of chemical compounds used as drugs and the history of drug synthesis
  2. Chemical Reactivity including classification of organic reactions and examples, influencing factors in organic reactions, formation of active species, and organic chemical reactions
  3. Relationship between structure and reactivity, stereochemistry, understanding the relationship between molecular structure and biological activity, including the role of functional groups, stereochemistry in relation to physicochemical properties, and reactivity of a compound.
  4. Basic principles in drug design, such as modification of drug compound structure and case studies/examples of drug molecule modification
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan konsep dasar kimia organik, sejarah sintesis obat memahami sistem penamaan, mampu menggambar dan menuliskan nama senyawa organik sederhana, membandingkan dan mengkontraskan berbagai sistem penamaan senyawa organik, serta mampu memahami impikasi dari perbedaan nomenklatur terhadap pemahaman sifat dan reaktivitas senyawa organik
  2. Mampu menjelaskan perbedaan antara isomer struktur, geometri, dan optis pada senyawa organik, serta mampu mengidentifikasi gugus fungsional dalam senyawa organik dan menganalisis pengaruh gugus fungsional terhadap sifat khasnya seperti titik didih, kelarutan, dan reaktivitas.
  3. Mampu menjelaskan konsep dasar reaktivitas kimiawi dalam konteks senyawa organik termasuk faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi reaktivitas seperti resonasi dan polaritas ikatan. Mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis spesi aktif (karbokation, karbanion, radikal bebas), dan contoh-contoh reaksinya, serta mampu membedakan berbagai mekanisme reaksi kimia organik berikut contoh-contoh reaksinya.
  4. Mampu menjelaskan stereokimia, fenomena kiralitas (enantiomer, diastreomer, senyawa meso), fenomena rasemasi dan pemisahannya, serta kaitan antara aspek stereokimia terhadap aktivitas biologi suatu senyawa
  5. Mampu menjelaskan konsep dasar desain obat. memahami konsep hubungan struktur struktur kimia, reaktivitas, dan aktivitas biologis sebagai dasar pengembangan obat baru dengan diberikan contoh studi kasus modifikasi molekul obat.
  1. Able to explain the basic concepts of organic chemistry, the history of drug synthesis, understand the nomenclature system, able to draw and write down the names of simple organic compounds, compare and contrast various naming systems of organic compounds, and able to understand the implications of nomenclature differences on the understanding of the properties and reactivity of organic compounds
  2. Able to explain the differences between structure, geometry, and optical isomers in organic compounds, as well as being able to identify functional groups in organic compounds and analyze the influence of functional groups on their characteristic properties such as boiling point, solubility, and reactivity.
  3. Able to explain the basic concepts of chemical reactivity in the context of organic compounds including factors affecting reactivity such as resonance and bond polarity. Identify different types of active species (carbocation, carbanion, free radicals), and examples of their reactions, and be able to distinguish various mechanisms of organic chemical reactions and examples of reactions.
  4. Able to explain stereochemistry, chirality phenomenon (enantiomers, diastreomers, meso compounds), racemization and separation phenomena, as well as the relationship between stereochemical aspects to the biological activity of a compound
  5. Able to explain the basic concepts of drug design. Understand the concept of the relationship between chemical structures, reactivity, and biological activity as the basis for new drug development through examples of drug molecule modification case studies.
Metode PembelajaranKuliah interaktif, problem-based learning, dan formative assessmentLecture, problem-based learning, formative assessment
Modalitas PembelajaranPembelajaran aktif, diskusi, penugasan mandiri/ kelompok topik-topik khusus kajianLecture, discussion, individual/group assignment, special topic
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian tertulis, karya tulisWritten exam, report/article
Catatan Tambahan