Kode Mata KuliahRN5031 / 4 SKS
Penyelenggara249 - Nuclear Science and Technology / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahSistem Instrumentasi NuklirNuclear Instrumentation Systems
Bahan Kajian
  1. Gambaran umum dan karakteristik sistem instrumentasi nuklir
  2. Interaksi partikel dengan material, prinsip kerja detektor nuklir
  3. Elemen instrumentasi nuklir
  4. Gambaran umum Sistem instrumentasi PLTN
  5. Gambaran umum sistem instrumentasi Reaktor Fusi Nuklir
  6. Gambaran umum sistem instrumentasi Akselerator partikel, dan perangkat nuklir dalam aplikasi industri dan kesehatan
  1. General description and characteristics of nuclear instrumentation systems
  2. Interaction of particles with materials, working principles of nuclear detectors
  3. Nuclear instrumentation elements
  4. Overview of NPP instrumentation systems
  5. Overview of Nuclear Fusion Reactor instrumentation systems
  6. Overview of instrumentation systems Particle accelerators, and nuclear devices in industrial and healthcare applications
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu mejelaskan prinsip dasar karakteristik sistem instrumentasi nuklir serta penerapannya
  2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prinsip kerja detektor nuklir dan elemen instrumentasi nuklir lainnya dan menerapkannya dalam konteks sistem instrumentasi nuklir
  3. Mahasiswa mampu menganalisa sistem instrumentasi pada PLTN, reaktor fusi nuklir, pemercepat partikel, dan sistem sejenisnya
  1. Students are able to explain the basic principles of nuclear instrumentation system characteristics and their applications
  2. Students are able to explain the working principles of nuclear detectors and other nuclear instrumentation elements and apply them in the context of nuclear instrumentation systems
  3. Students are able to analyze instrumentation systems in nuclear power plants, nuclear fusion reactors, particle accelerators, and similar systems
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, diskusi, pembelajaran berbasis riset/masalah/studi kasus, presentasi, praktikumLectures, discussions, research/problem/case study based learning, presentations, practicums
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, daring, hybrid, sinkron, asinkronOffline, online, hybrid, synchronous, asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianTugas kelompok, Quiz, presentasi, laporan akhir RBLGroup assignments, quizzes, presentations, final RBL report
Catatan Tambahan