Kode Mata KuliahGL2107 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara120 - Teknik Geologi / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahSedimentologiSedimentology
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan: - Penjelasan perkuliahan - Kuliah yang berkaitan - Sumber Pustaka - Penilaian Partikel Penyusun Batuan Sedimen: - Jenis Partikel - Properti Butir - Bentuk butir - Ukuran Butir - Kemas Butiran - Porositas & Permeabilitas - Distribusi Populasi Butiran
  2. Proses Sedimentasi: - Sedimentasi Mekanik / Fisik - Konsep Mekanika Fluida - Karakteristik fluida dan tekstur batuan sedimen - Regim aliran dan pembentukan bed form serta struktur sedimen - Batugamping (klastik,terumbu) - Sedimentasi Organik - Sedimentasi Kimiawi - Batuan Evaporit
  3. Penggolongan Batuan Sedimen: - Secara Genetik dan Secara Deskriptif Lingkungan Pengendapan-Karakteristik Sedimentologi-Karakteristik Pola Stratigrafi: - Fasies dan Elemen Arsitektur - Endapan Darat - Endapan Transisi - Endapan Laut Dangkal - Endapan Laut Dalam Metoda Analisis Lingkungan Pengendapan: - Analisis urutan vertical Peranan Sedimentologi Dan Potensi Batuan Sedimen Sebagai bahan galian dan energi: - Industri Migas - Industri Batubara - Industri Mineral - Kajian Geologi Teknik
  1. Introduction: - Lecture explanation - Related lectures - Literature Source - Assessment Particles that make up sedimentary rocks: - Particle Type - Item Properties - Item shape - Grain Size - Pack Granules - Porosity & Permeability - Grain Population Distribution
  2. Sedimentation Process: - Mechanical / Physical Sedimentation - Fluid Mechanics Concepts - Fluid characteristics and texture of sedimentary rocks - Flow regime and formation of bed form and sediment structure - Limestone (clastic, reef) - Organic Sedimentation - Chemical Sedimentation
  3. Classification of Sedimentary Rocks: - Genetically and Descriptively Depositional Environment-Sedimentological Characteristics- Stratigraphic Pattern Characteristics: - Architectural Faces and Elements - Land Deposits - Transitional Deposits - Shallow Marine Deposits - Deep Sea Deposits Methods of Analysis of the Precipitation Environment: - Vertical sequence analysis The Role of Sedimentology and the Potential of Sedimentary Rocks as minerals and energy: - Oil and Gas Industry - Coal Industry - Mineral Industry - Engineering Geology Study
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Memahami konsep, teori dan hukum dasar yang berlaku dalam pembentukan partikel batuan sedimen
  2. Menguasai metoda dan prosedur analisis laboratorium dan lapangan untuk menghasilkan data dan sintesa yang dapat digunakan untuk memahami proses sedimentasi batuan sedimen dan menentukan geometri, distribusi-lingkungan pengendapan batuan sedimen.
  1. Understand the concepts, theories and basic laws that apply in the formation of sedimentary rock particles
  2. Mastering laboratory and field analysis methods and procedures to produce data and synthesis that can be used to understand processes sedimentation of sedimentary rocks and determine the geometry, distribution- environment of sedimentary rock deposition.
Metode PembelajaranKBL :Knowledge Based Leaning Problem based learning (PBL)KBL :Knowledge Based Leaning Problem based learning (PBL)
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Daring Sinkron AsinkronOffline Online Synchronous Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPilihan Laporan PraktikOptions Report Practice
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