Kode Mata KuliahGL4014 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara120 - Teknik Geologi / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahInterpretasi Seismik RefleksiReflected Seismic Interpretation
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan: Petroleum system, jenis-jenis jebakan minyak, sekilas akuisisi seismik Teori Dasar Seismik Refleksi: - Definisi, jenis & sifat gelombang, Hukum Snell, waktu tempuh gelombang, wavelet, noise, Prinsip Huygen, difraksi
  2. Pengolahan data seismik: - Sort and gather - Pre-processing, filter : single channel (shaping, bandpass, inverse Q dll) - Penggunaan isotop - Latihan interpretasi data kerogen batuan induk & tugas - Filter : multi-channel (F-K, fan), koreksi statik (field & residual) - Dekonvolusi (prediktif, spiking, zero-phase) - Analisa kecepatan - Normal move out dan stack - Migrasi (Kirchhoff sumation, F-K, finite difference Pre-stack migration)
  3. Seismik Stratigrafi: - Tujuan, prosedur, atribut refleksi (frekuensi, kemenerusan, amplitudo,) - Analisa fasies seismik - Pemetaan fasies seismik : konfigurasi internal & eksternal (toplap, downlap, onlap dll), karakterisasi fasies seismik
  4. Interpretasi seismik: - Interpretasi di daerah klastik pengenalan bentuk-bentuk channel, fan, sidelobe, pola-pola refleksi, upper dan lower boundary - Interpretasi seismik karbonat konfigurasi refleksi, atribut diag-nostik pd data seismik karbonat, analisa lingkungan karbonat Amplitude Versus Offset, inversi seismik, atribut seismik
  1. Introduction: Petroleum system, types of oil traps, seismic acquisition at a glance Basic Theory of Seismic Reflection: -Definition , types & properties of waves, Snell's Law, wave travel time, wavelets, noise, Huygen's Principle, diffraction
  2. Seismic data processing: - Sort and gather - Pre-processing, filter: single channel (shaping, bandpass, inverse Q etc.) - Use of isotopes - Host rock kerogen data interpretation exercise & assignment - Filters: multi-channel (F-K, fan), static correction (field & residual) - Deconvolution (predictive, spiking, zero-phase) - Speed analysis - Normal move out and stack - Migration (Kirchhoff sumation, F-K, finite difference Pre-stack migration)
  3. Seismic Stratigraphy: - Purpose, procedure, reflection attributes (frequency, slope, amplitude,) - Seismic facies analysis - Seismic facies mapping: internal & external configuration (toplap, downlap, onlap etc.), seismic facies characterization
  4. Seismic interpretation: - Interpretation in clastic areas recognizing channel shapes, fans, sidelobes, reflection patterns, upper and lower boundaries - Carbonate seismic interpretation of reflection configurations, diag-nostic attributes on carbonate seismic data, analysis of carbonate environment Amplitude Versus Offset, seismic inversion, attributes seismic
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu menginterpretasi data seismik dengan kaidah geologi yang baik
  1. Students are able to interpret seismic data with good geological principles
Metode PembelajaranKnowledge Based Leaning. Problem based learningKnowledge Based Leaning. Problem based learning
Modalitas Pembelajaran
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianLuring Daring Sinkron AsinkronOffline Online Synchronous Asynchronous
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