Bahan Kajian | - Pendahuluan (Sistem koordinat, Geofisika Umum: - Sistem tata surya - Medan magnetik - Gravitasi - Gelombang elektromagnetik - Geodinamika - Pembentukan), Planet Bumi (Perkembangan teori evolusi alam semesta - Pembentukan bumi), Geodinamika dan Tektonik Lempeng (Teori tektonik lempeng Proses dinamika bumi)
- Interior Bumi Dan Seismologi (Dasar utama Seismologi - Pengenalan susunan interior bumi), Gempa Bumi (Seismologi dan dasar ilmu kegempaan), Konstanta Elastisitas (Kecepatan gelombang - Modulus elastik)
- Metode Geomagnet (Hukum Coulomb - gaya magnet – eksplorasi), Metode Gravity (Hukum Newton - Gaya gravitasi – Eksplorasi), Metode Geolistrik (Hukum Ohm - Kelistrikan bumi dan mineral) - Eksplorasi
- Metode Magneto Telluric (Hukum Maxwell Elektromagnetisme bumi dan mineral)
- Eksplorasi (Eksplorasi Geofisika untuk Geothermal - Eksplorasi air tanah & hidrogeologi - Sistem hidrologi - Eksplorasi Tambang Mineral & Batubara - Eksplorasi Minyak dan Gas Bumi - Aplikasi seismik eksplorasi)
| - Introduction (Coordinate System, General Geophysics: - Solar System - Magnetic Field - Gravity - Electromagnetic Waves - Geodynamics - Formation), Planet Earth (Development of the Theory of the Evolution of the Universe - Formation of the Earth), Geodynamics and Plate Tectonics (Plate Tectonics Theory - Earth's Dynamic Processes)
- Earth's Interior and Seismology (Fundamentals of Seismology - Introduction to Earth's Interior Structure), Earthquakes (Seismology and Basics of Earthquake Science), Elastic Constants (Wave Velocity - Elastic Modulus)
- Geomagnetic Method (Coulomb's Law - Magnetic Force - Exploration), Gravity Method (Newton's Law - Gravitational Force - Exploration), Geoelectric Method (Ohm's Law - Earth's and Mineral's Electricity) - Exploration
- Magnetotelluric Method (Maxwell's Law - Earth's and Mineral's Electromagnetism)
- Exploration (Geophysical Exploration for Geothermal - Groundwater & Hydrogeology Exploration - Hydrology System - Mineral & Coal Mining Exploration - Oil and Gas Exploration - Seismic Exploration Applications)