Kode Mata Kuliah | EL4031 / 3 SKS |
Penyelenggara | 132 - Teknik Elektro / STEI |
Kategori | Kuliah |
| Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Nama Mata Kuliah | Sistem Kendali Multivariabel | Multivariable Control Systems |
Bahan Kajian | - Pengantar Sistem Kendali Multivariabel
- Representasi Sistem dalam Ruang Keadaan
- Solusi Persamaan Keadaan Waktu-Invarian
- Controllability
- Observability
- Penempatan Pole
- Desain Observer
- Desain Kompensator
- Simulasi Sistem Kendali Multivariabel
- Implementasi Sistem Kendali Multivariabel dengan Observer dan Umpan Balik Keadaan
| - Introduction to Multivariable Control System
- State Space Representation of System
- Solving The Time-Invariant State Equation
- Controllability
- Observability
- Pole Placement
- Observer Design
- Compensator Design
- Multivariable Control System Simulation
- Implementation of Multivariable Control System with Observer and State Feedback
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Menjelaskan perspektif desain ruang keadaan dan keuntungan ruang keadaan; memodelkan sistem nonlinear secara matematis dan melakukan linearisasi sistem.
- Memodelkan sistem dalam bentuk state-space; merepresentasikan sistem dalam bentuk kanonik: merepresentasikan sistem dalam bentuk diagonal-jordan yang dapat diamati-terkontrol, menghitung transformasi model sistem.
- Mendesain sistem kendali multivariabel dengan metode state-feedback; menghitung solusi persamaan keadaan homogen; menghitung solusi persamaan keadaan non-homogen, menenentukan keterkendalian suatu sistem; menentukan observabilitas suatu sistem; memiilih lokasi kutub untuk desain yang baik; menerapkan metode desain dengan penempatan kutub, menentukan matriks K menggunakan transformasi matriks, substitusi langsung, atau formula Ackermann
- Mengimplementasikan sistem kendali multivariabel dengan state-feedback pada simulasi dan hardware.
- Menerapkan prosedur desain sistem servo; menerapkan prosedur desain pengamat orde penuh; menerapkan prosedur desain observer orde minimum; menerapkan prosedur desain sistem regulator; menerapkan prosedur desain sistem pelacakan.
- Mensimulasikan observer orde-penuh dan observer orde-minimum; menerapkan sistem kendali multivariabel dengan observer dan umpan balik keadaan.
| - Able to explain the design perspective of state space and the advantages of state space; mathematically model a nonlinear system and linearize the system.
- Able to model system in state-space representation; represent system in canonical form: represent system in observable-controllable diagonal-Jordan form, calculate the transformation of the system model.
- Able to design multivariable control system using state-feedback method; compute the solution of homogeneous state equations; compute the solution of non-homogeneous state equation, determine the controllability of a system; determine the observability of a system; determine pole locations for good design; apply control design using method with pole placement method, determine the K matrix using matrix transformation, direct substitution, or Ackermann's formula
- Able to implement a multivariable control system with state-feedback on simulation and hardware.
- Able to implement servo system design; implement full-order observer design procedures; implement the minimum order observer design procedure; implement the design procedure of the regulator system; Implement tracking system design procedures.
- Able to simulate full-order observers and minimum-order observers; implement a multivariable control system with observers and state feedback.
Metode Pembelajaran | Ceramah, Diskusi, Proyek, Belajar Mandiri | Lectures, Discussions, Project, Independent Study |
Modalitas Pembelajaran | Luring, Daring | Offline, Online |
Jenis Nilai | ABCDE |
Metode Penilaian | PR, Kuis, Ujian, Proyek | Homework, Quiz, Exam, Project |
Catatan Tambahan | Pre-requisite: EL3015 Sistem Kendali | Pre-requisite: EL3015 Control System |