Kode Mata KuliahEL4001 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara132 - Teknik Elektro / STEI
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahArsitektur Sistem Komputer IIComputer System Architecture II
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pemrograman dan Sistem I/O
  2. Desain Inti RISC
  3. Sistem Memori RISC
  4. Pembandingan RISC
  1. Programming and I/O Systems
  2. RISC Core Design
  3. RISC Memory Systems
  4. RISC Benchmarking
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Menganalisa kebutuhan dunia-nyata dan memodelkan sistem komputer yang sesuai
  2. Menguji dan mengevaluasi sistem komputer yang diaplikasikan
  3. Menuliskan perumusan model sistem komputer dalam bentuk karya ilmiah
  1. Able to analyze real-world needs and model appropriate computer systems
  2. Able to test and evaluate applied computer systems
  3. Able to write the formulation of computer system models in the form of scientific papers
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, Diskusi, Studi Kasus, Belajar MandiriLectures, Discussions, Case Studies, Independent Study
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, DaringOffline, Online
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianTugasAssignment
Catatan TambahanPre-requisite: EL2002 Sistem Digital; Pre-requisite: EL3011 Arsitektur Sistem KomputerPre-requisite: EL2002 Digital System; Pre-requisite: EL3011 Computer System Architecture