Kode Mata KuliahFA6032 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara207 - Farmasi / SF
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPengembangan Bentuk Sediaan KosmetikDevelopment of Cosmetic Dosage Forms
Bahan Kajian
  1. Sains dasar selular kulit pada kondisi normal, penuaan dini, dan kulit sensitive 
  2. Sistem penghantaran kosmetik moisturizer berbasis humectant, oil & lipid 
  3. Kosmetik tabir surya 
  4. Sistem penghantaran kosmetik anti-aging dan anti-acne 
  5. Nanobiokosmetik: formulasi, produksi, dan keamanan 
  6. Kosmetik dekoratif 
  7. Pengembangan sediaan kosmetik pembersih 
  8. Konsep evaluasi produk dan efektivitas kosmetik melalui pendekatan inter dan multidisiplin 
  9. Konsep pengembangan kemasan produk kosmetik melalui pendekatan inter dan multidisiplin 
  1. Basic cellular science of skin in normal conditions, premature aging, and sensitive skin
  2. Cosmetic delivery systems for moisturizers based on humectants, oils, and lipids
  3. Sunscreen cosmetics
  4. Cosmetic delivery systems for anti-aging and anti-acne treatments
  5. Nanobiocosmetics: formulation, production, and safety
  6. Decorative cosmetics
  7. Development of cosmetic cleansing formulations
  8. Concepts of product evaluation and cosmetic effectiveness through inter- and multidisciplinary approaches
  9. Concepts of cosmetic product packaging development through inter- and multidisciplinary approaches
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menerapkan konsep modulasi lingkungan kulit secara selular dalam produk kosmetik; 
  2. Mampu mendesain dan membuat produk kosmetik serta melakukan evaluasi produk akhir; 
  3. Mampu menerapkan konsep pengembangan sistem penghantaran dan evaluasi produk kosmetik untuk digunakan di industri. 
  1. Able to apply the concept of modulating the skin environment at the cellular level in cosmetic products
  2. Able to design and create cosmetic products and conduct final product evaluations
  3. Able to apply concepts of delivery system development and cosmetic product evaluation for use in the industry
Metode PembelajaranKuliah, Project-based study berkelompoklecture, project based group study
Modalitas PembelajaranVisual, auditorial, sinkronous, asinkronousvisual, auditorial, synchronous, asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianTugas presentasi, UTS, UAS, kuisassignment presentation, mid-exam, final exam, quiz
Catatan Tambahan