Kode Mata KuliahTL5020 / 1 SKS
Penyelenggara253 - Teknik Lingkungan / FTSL
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahStudi Mandiri Fisika dan Kimia AtmosferIndependent Study of Physics and Chemical Atmosphere
Bahan Kajian
  1. evolusi dan komposisi atmosfer bumi; aspek meteorologi dan penyebaran regional dan global zat-zat pencemar;
  2. pengenalan unit konsentrasi zat di atmosfer (termasuk mixing ratio, column density, Dobson unit);
  3. sifat fisik dan kimia zat pencemar di atmosfer; energy balance and radiative forcing; kereaktifan kimia;
  4. senyawa-senyawa reaktif di atmosfer; kinetika; prinsip-prinsip fotokimia atmosfer; reaksi kimia ozone troposferik and stratoferik; sinks pencemar (deposisi basah dan kering);
  5. perubahan iklim; hujan asam; formasi dan dinamika meteorologi dan pencemar udara; interaksi antara komposisi kimia atmosfer dan iklim; formulasi matematis model kimia dan transport di atmosfer ;
  6. implikasi umum pengetahuan fisika kimia atmosfer dan meteorologi dalam
  1. the evolution and composition of the Earth's atmosphere; meteorological aspects and regional and global distribution of pollutant substances;
  2. introduction of units of concentration of substances in the atmosphere (including mixing ratio, column density, Dobson units);
  3. physical and chemical properties of pollutants in the atmosphere; energy balance and radiative forcing; chemical reactivity;
  4. reactive compounds in the atmosphere; kinetics; principles of atmospheric photochemistry; chemical reactions of tropospheric and stratospheric ozone; pollutant sinks (wet and dry deposition);
  5. climate change; acid rain; formation and dynamics of meteorology and air pollutants; interactions between atmospheric chemical composition and climate; mathematical formulation of chemical and transport models in the atmosphere;
  6. General implications of knowledge of atmospheric chemistry and meteorology in physics
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan menunjukkan keahlian bidang teknik lingkungan secara spesifik yaitu: Teknologi dan Manajemen Lingkungan, Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Pencemaran, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Lingkungan, serta Keberlanjutan dalam Teknik Lingkungan.
  1. Students have the ability to demonstrate expertise in specific areas of environmental engineering, namely: Environmental Technology and Management, Pollution Prevention and Control, Environmental Safety and Health, and Sustainability in Environmental Engineering.
Metode PembelajaranProject based/case study Presentasi tugasProject based/case study Task presentation
Modalitas PembelajaranAudio Visual Kinestetik dengan pelaksanaan kombinasi dari daring/luring, sinkron/asinkron, tugas mandiri/kelompokKinesthetic Audio Visual with a combination of online/offline, synchronous/asynchronous, independent/group assignments
Jenis NilaiPass/Fail
Metode PenilaianPass/FailPass/Fail
Catatan Tambahan