Kode Mata Kuliah | BP6037 / 2 SKS |
Penyelenggara | 213 - Biomanajemen / SITH |
Kategori | Kuliah |
| Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Nama Mata Kuliah | Studi Mandiri Permodelan dalam Bioindustri | Modelling in Bioindustry Independent Study |
Bahan Kajian | - Konsep bioindustry
- Teori produksi dan alokasi sumberdaya hayati
- Optimasi alokasi sumberdaya (efisiensi cost, optimasi penggunaan input, maksimisasi output)
- Keterkaitan antara prosedur dan tools dengan sebuah metode
- Pendekatan optimasi dan pengambilan keputusan berbasis efektivitas dan efisiensi
- Competent in designing the downstreaming of scientific innovations into commercially viable bio-products that are sustainable environmentally, economically, and socially
- Tools SPSS analisis statistik dengan path analysis dan analisis multivariat
- Simulasi perilaku model dan Skenario kebijakan dalam kasus bioindustri melalui model system dynamics dengan tool Vensim
| - The concept of bioindustry
- Theories of production and allocation of biological resources
- Resource allocation optimisation (cost efficiency, input use optimisation, output maximisation)
- Interrelation of procedures and tools with a method
- Optimisation and decision-making approaches based on effectiveness and efficiency
- Analytical optimisation tools, application of syslin procedures from SAS software, and linear programming.
- SPSS tools for path and multivariate analysis.
- Behaviour model simulation and policy scenarios in bioindustry cases through system dynamics with Vensim tool.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mampu merencanakan bisnis di bidang komoditas, keanekaragaman hayati, dan lingkungan dengan menggunakan konsep ekologi-ekonomi dan bio-bisnis
- Mampu mengevaluasi bisnis di bidang komoditas, keanekaragaman hayati, dan lingkungan dengan menggunakan konsep ekologi-ekonomi dan bio-bisnis
- Mampu menilai hilirisasi (downstreaming) inovasi ilmiah menuju bio-produk komersial yang layak secara lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial
- Mampu merancang hilirisasi (downstreaming) inovasi ilmiah menuju bio-produk komersial yang layak secara lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial
| - Capable of planning businesses in the fields of commodities, biodiversity, and the environment using ecological-economic and bio-business principles
- Capable in evaluating businesses in the fields of commodities, biodiversity, and the environment using ecological-economic and bio-business principles
- Skilled in assessing the downstreaming of scientific innovations into commercially viable bio-products that are sustainable environmentally, economically, and socially
- Competent in designing the downstreaming of scientific innovations into commercially viable bio-products that are sustainable environmentally, economically, and socially
Metode Pembelajaran | Penugasan terstruktur dan kegiatan mandiri. | Structured assignments and self-learning activities. |
Modalitas Pembelajaran | Moda Penyerapan: Visual dan Auditorial
Moda Pelaksanaan: Asinkronous | Mode of Engagement: Visual and Auditorial
Mode of Delivery: Asynchronous |
Jenis Nilai | Pass/Fail |
Metode Penilaian | | |
Catatan Tambahan | | |