Kode Mata Kuliah | BP6036 / 2 SKS |
Penyelenggara | 213 - Biomanajemen / SITH |
Kategori | Kuliah |
| Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Nama Mata Kuliah | Studi Mandiri Sistem Produksi Akuakultur | Aquaculture Production System Independent Study |
Bahan Kajian | - Teknik produksi dan optimasi produksi pakan alami dan kegunaannya dalam industri perikanan yang meliputi produksi mikrolaga, rotifera, artemia, dan copepoda;
- Pemilihan lokasi, persiapan, dan operasional hatchery ikan, udang, dan moluska;
- Pemilihan lokasi, persiapan, dan operasional kultur rumput laut;
- Produk akuakultur, pengembangan, dan isu-isu terkait;
- Aspek ekonomi dalam persiapan dan operasional industri akuakultur di wilayah tropis, khususnya kondisi Indonesia, sebagai contoh industri udang dan ikan baik dalam kolan ataupun karamba
| - Techniques for the production and optimisation of natural food production and its use in the aquaculture industry, including the production of microlaga, rotifers, artemia and copepods;
- Site selection, preparation, and operation of fish, shrimp, and mollusk hatcheries;
- Site selection, preparation, and seaweed culture operations;
- Aquaculture products, enhancement, and related issues;
- Economic aspects of preparation and operation of aquaculture industry in the tropical region, especially in Indonesia, for example shrimp and fish industry either in ponds or cages.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mampu merencanakan bisnis di bidang komoditas, keanekaragaman hayati, dan lingkungan dengan menggunakan konsep ekologi-ekonomi dan bio-bisnis
- Mampu mengevaluasi bisnis di bidang komoditas, keanekaragaman hayati, dan lingkungan dengan menggunakan konsep ekologi-ekonomi dan bio-bisnis
- Mampu menilai hilirisasi (downstreaming) inovasi ilmiah menuju bio-produk komersial yang layak secara lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial
- Mampu merancang hilirisasi (downstreaming) inovasi ilmiah menuju bio-produk komersial yang layak secara lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial
| - Capable of planning businesses in the fields of commodities, biodiversity, and the environment using ecological-economic and bio-business principles
- Capable in evaluating businesses in the fields of commodities, biodiversity, and the environment using ecological-economic and bio-business principles
- Skilled in assessing the downstreaming of scientific innovations into commercially viable bio-products that are sustainable environmentally, economically, and socially
- Competent in designing the downstreaming of scientific innovations into commercially viable bio-products that are sustainable environmentally, economically, and socially
Metode Pembelajaran | Penugasan terstruktur dan kegiatan mandiri. | Structured assignments and self-learning activities. |
Modalitas Pembelajaran | Moda Penyerapan: Visual dan Auditorial
Moda Pelaksanaan: Asinkronous | Mode of Engagement: Visual and Auditorial
Mode of Delivery: Asynchronous |
Jenis Nilai | Pass/Fail |
Metode Penilaian | | |
Catatan Tambahan | | |