FakultasNo ProdiProgram Studi
KodeMata KuliahKategoriSKS
TR7000 Philosophy of Science Lecture2
TR7001 Intelligent Transportation System Lecture3
TR7002 Transport Project Management Lecture3
TR7003 Investment and Funding Alternatives for Infrastructure Development Lecture3
TR7004 Public Transport System Lecture3
TR7005 Scientific Publications and Contemporary Transportation Topics Lecture3
TR7006 International Transportation Planning Research Collaboration Lecture4
TR7007 International Research Management in Transportation Planning Lecture4
TR7008 Economics and Business of Transportation Lecture3
TR7009 Transportation Analytical Method Lecture4
TR7010 Special Topics in Transportation Lecture3
TR7011 Transportation Forcasting and Modelling Lecture3
TR7101 Research Methodology Lecture3
TR7102 Qualification Exam Lecture3
TR7103 Transportation and Activity System Analysis Lecture3
TR7104 Advanced Transportation Institutions and Financing Lecture3
TR7202 Research Proposal Lecture5
TR8001 Logistics and Supply Chain Management Lecture3
TR8002 Environment, Energy and Transportation Lecture3
TR8003 Transportation Safety Lecture3
TR8004 Social and Community Development in Transportation Planning Lecture4
TR8005 Classroom Management and Teaching Techniques in Transportation Planning Schools Lecture4
TR8006 Independent Study Lecture3
TR8101 Doctoral Research I Lecture8
TR8102 Progress Seminar I Lecture2
TR8201 Doctoral Research II Lecture8
TR8202 Progress Seminar II Lecture2
TR9101 Doctoral Research III Lecture8
TR9102 Progress Seminar III Lecture2
TR9201 Doctoral Research IV Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation8
TR9202 Dissertation Writing Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation2
TR9203 Dissertation Defense Final Project / Thesis / Dissertation3