Kode Mata KuliahAR4098 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara152 - Architecture / SAPPK
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPersiapan Tugas AkhirFinal Design Project Preparation
Bahan Kajian
  1. BK 2.7 Perancangan Komprehensif berbasis Penelitian: merancang secara komprehensif yang berbasis penelitian untuk menghasilkan rancangan kreatif, yang mencakup identifikasi masalah dan solusi berdasarkan penyelidikan/analisis dan penelitian mendalam, serta menyajikan keseluruhan proses perancangan secara komprehensif dalam berbagai format seperti gambar, makalah, laporan, dan panel.
  1. BK 2.7 Research-based Comprehensive Design: research-based comprehensive design to produce creative designs, which includes identifying problems and solutions based on in-depth investigation/analysis and research, and presenting the entire design process comprehensively in various formats such as drawings, papers, reports, and panels.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menyusun laporan pemrograman arsitektur dari usulan proyek
  2. Mampu menggagas proyek, memilih lokasi dan melakukan deliniasi tapak.
  3. Mampu menganalisis kegiatan yang akan diwadahi, karakteristik dan perilaku calon pengguna, dan potensi dan kendala pada tapak
  4. Mampu mengidentifikasi masalah berdasarkan analisis atas data yang relevan dari preseden, teori, dan fenomena alam.
  5. Memahami hubungan timbal balik antara arsitektur dan ilmu di luar arsitektur
  6. Mampu menghasilkan sebuah Laporan Persiapan (Inception Report) dari proyek Tugas Akhir yang akan dikerjakan pada semester berikutnya dalam bentuk laporan tertulis
  7. Mampu mendeskripsikan tentang pemilik proyek, lokasi, tujuan proyek, serta asumsi-asumsi
  8. Memahami proyek, yang meliputi: tipologi bangunan, profil pemrakarsa proyek, serta studi preseden
  9. Mampu menganalisis perancangan, meliputi analisis fungsi, analisis tapak, serta rumusan isu utama perancangan
  10. Mampu menjelaskan rumusan sasaran dan persyaratan kinerja perancangan, serta alternatif konsep solusinya
  11. Mampu merumuskan ruang-ruang yang dibutuhkan dan persyaratannya, serta hubungan antar ruang
  1. Able to compile an architectural programming report of the proposed project
  2. Able to initiate projects, select sites and conduct site delineation
  3. Able to analyse the activities to be accommodated, the characteristics and behaviour of prospective users, and the potential and constraints on the site
  4. Able to identify problems based on analysis of relevant data from precedents, theories, and natural phenomena
  5. Understand the mutual relationship between architecture and sciences outside architecture
  6. Able to produce an Inception Report of the Final Project that will be carried out in the following semester in the form of a written report.
  7. Able to describe the project owner, location, project objectives, and assumptions
  8. Understanding the project, which includes: building typology, project proponent profile, and precedent studies
  9. Able to analyse the design, including function analysis, site analysis, and formulation of the main design issues
  10. Able to explain the formulation of design performance goals and requirements, and alternative solution concepts
  11. Able to formulate the required spaces and their requirements, as well as the relationship between spaces
Metode PembelajaranCeramah/kuliah pakar Project-based learning (PjBL) Tutorial DemonstrationLecture/expert lecture Project-based learning (PjBL) Tutorial Demonstration
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring (sinkron) dan daring (sinkron dan asinkron)Offline (synchronous) and online (synchronous and asynchronous)
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianTugas, UTS, UASAssignments, midterms, final exams
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