Kode Mata KuliahAK6282 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara208 - Actuarial Science / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahTeori Pendanaan PensiunPension Funding Theory
Bahan Kajian
  1. Konsep Asuransi jiwa dan anuitas jiwa 1 – 2 individu
  2. Jenis Pensiun: Benefit pasti dan Iuran pasti
  3. Metode Accrued Benefit Cost (ABC): manfaat kerja sekaligus
  4. Metode ABC berdasarkan masa kerja
  5. Metode ABC berdasarkan upah terakhir
  6. Metode Entry Age Normal (EAN) berdasarkan masa kerja
  7. Metode Attained Age Normal (AAN)
  1. Concept of life insurance and life annuity for 1 – 2 individuals
  2. Pension Types: Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution
  3. Accrued Benefit Cost (ABC) method: benefits at once
  4. ABC method based on year of service
  5. ABC method based on last salary
  6. Entry Age Normal (EAN) method based on year of service
  7. Attained Age Normal (AAN) Method
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Memahami konsep asuransi jiwa dan anuitas jiwa 1 – 2 individu dan distribusinya.
  2. Memahami perbedaan jenis pendanaan penisun benefit pasti dan iuran pasti.
  3. Memodelkan manfaat pensiun menggunakan Model Accured Benefit Cost (ABC) dengan berbagai kondisi.
  4. Memodelkan manfaat pensiun menggunakan Model Entry Age Normal (EAN) dengan berbagai kondisi
  1. Understanding the concept of life insurance and life annuities for 1 – 2 individuals and their distribution.
  2. Understanding the differences between defined benefit and defined contribution pension funding types.
  3. Modeling retirement benefits using the Accured Benefit Cost (ABC) Model under various conditions.
  4. Modeling retirement benefits using the Entry Age Normal (EAN) Model with various conditions
Metode Pembelajaran1. Pembelajaran berbasis masalah 2. Diskusi interaktif1. Problem-based learning 2. Interactive discussion
Modalitas Pembelajaran1. Kelas tatap muka 2. Pembelajaran sinkron/asinkronous1. Face-to-face classes 2. Synchronous/asynchronous learning
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian tertulis (Kuis, UTS, dan UAS)Written exams (Quiz, Mid-Term Exams, and Final Exams)
Catatan Tambahan