Kode Mata KuliahFI3132 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara102 - Physics / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPengenalan Industri Material MajuIntroduction to Advanced Materials Industry
Bahan Kajian
  1. Mata kuliah ini akan memberikan wawasan tentang peran strategis material maju dalam berbagai industri. Material maju seperti semikonduktor, komposit, dan nanomaterial adalah fondasi bagi inovasi teknologi di sektor elektronik, energi, kesehatan, dan komunikasi. Mahasiswa akan mempelajari bagaimana material ini dikembangkan, diproduksi, dan diaplikasikan dalam produk akhir. Pengetahuan ini tidak hanya relevan untuk penelitian akademis, tetapi juga untuk memahami kebutuhan dan tantangan industri, yang pada akhirnya akan mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk kontribusi nyata dalam pengembangan teknologi
  2. Mahasiswa akan mempelajari pentingnya material maju dalam industri teknologi modern, termasuk prinsip dasar semikonduktor dan konsep band gap serta aplikasi mereka dalam perangkat elektronik seperti transistor, dioda, dan LED
  3. Mahasiswa akan mempelajari sifat-sifat material seperti silikon kristalin, perovskit, material organik dalam sel surya, serta material baterai seperti lithium-ion dan solid-state. Dengan mengeksplorasi tren dan tantangan dalam pengembangan material untuk teknologi energi terbarukan, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami dinamika dan potensi inovasi dalam menciptakan solusi energi yang lebih efisien dan berkelanjutan
  4. Matakuliah ini akan memberikan pemahaman terkait aplikasi material maju dalam bidang biomedis, termasuk biomaterial untuk implan serta penggunaan nanomaterial dalam pengiriman obat dan terapi kanker. Diskusi akan memperhatikan tantangan dan regulasi yang dihadapi dalam pengembangan material biomedis, memberikan wawasan tentang proses translasi dari penelitian laboratorium ke aplikasi klinis
  1. This course will provide insight into the strategic role of advanced materials in various industries. Advanced materials such as semiconductors, composites and nanomaterials are the foundation for technological innovation in the electronics, energy, health and communications sectors. Students will learn how these materials are developed, produced, and applied in final products. This knowledge is not only relevant for academic research, but also for understanding industry needs and challenges, which will ultimately prepare students for real contributions to technological development
  2. Students will learn the importance of advanced materials in the modern technology industry, including the basic principles of semiconductors and band gap concepts as well as their applications in electronic devices such as transistors, diodes, and LEDs
  3. Students will study the properties of materials such as crystalline silicon, perovskite, organic materials in solar cells, as well as battery materials such as lithium-ion and solid-state. By exploring trends and challenges in the development of materials for renewable energy technology, students are expected to understand the dynamics and potential of innovation in creating more efficient and sustainable energy solutions
  4. This course will provide an understanding of the applications of advanced materials in the biomedical field, including biomaterials for implants and the use of nanomaterials in drug delivery and cancer therapy. The discussion will look at the challenges and regulations faced in the development of biomedical materials, providing insight into the translation process from laboratory research to clinical applications
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Memahami peran strategis material maju dalam berbagai industri
  2. Memahami pentingnya material maju dalam industri teknologi modern
  3. Memahami sifat-sifat material seperti silikon kristalin, perovskit, material organik dalam sel surya, serta material baterai seperti lithium-ion dan solid-state
  4. Memahami aplikasi material maju dalam bidang biomedis
  1. Understand the strategic role of advanced materials in various industries
  2. Understand the importance of advanced materials in the modern technology industry
  3. Understand the properties of materials such as crystalline silicon, perovskites, organic materials in solar cells, as well as battery materials such as lithium-ion and solid-state
  4. Understand the applications of advanced materials in the biomedical field
Metode PembelajaranKuliah tatap muka, kunjungan industri, riset sederhanaFace-to-face lectures, industry visits, simple research
Modalitas Pembelajaranalat karakterisasi material maju; spektroskopi dan mikroskopiadvanced materials characterization tools; spectroscopy and microscopy
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian Tengah Semester, Ujian Akhir Semester, TugasMidterm Exam, Final Semester Exam, Assignments
Catatan TambahanMKPB