Kode Mata KuliahFI2103 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara102 - Physics / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahFisika Modern dan Relativitas KhususModern Physics and Special Relativity
Bahan Kajian
  1. Teori relativitas khusus: review mekanika newton dan latar belakang lahirnya TRK, ruangwaktu Minkoswki dan transformasi Lorentz, kinematika relativistik, relasi energi-massa-momentum
  2. Tensor Lorentz, pengantar teori relativitas umum
  3. Teori kuantum: dualisme gelombang-partikel, model Atom Rutherford dan Bohr, persamaan Schrodinger dan aplikasinya, atom hidrogen, atom berelektron banyak, molekul
  1. Special theory of relativity: review of Newtonian mechanics and the background to the birth of TRK, Minkoswki spacetime and Lorentz transformations, relativistic kinematics, energy-mass-momentum relations
  2. Lorentz tensor, an introduction to the general theory of relativity
  3. Quantum theory: wave-particle dualism, Rutherford and Bohr's atomic model, Schrodinger's equation and its applications, hydrogen atoms, many-electron atoms, molecules
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. CO1 Mampu mengidentifikasi suatu fenomena sebagai fenomena klasik atau fenomena modern
  2. CO2 Memahami konsep-konsep dan prinsip-prinsip dasar teori relativitas khusus Einstein
  3. CO3 Memahami konsep-konsep dan prinsip-prinsip dasar teori kuantum, termasuk mampu menyelesaikan persamaan Schrodinger untuk kasus-kasus sederhana
  4. CO4 Memahami konsep-konsep kuantum pada atom dan molekul
  1. CO1 Able to identify a phenomenon as a classical phenomenon or a modern phenomenon
  2. CO2 Understand the basic concepts and principles of Einstein's special theory of relativity
  3. CO3 Understand the basic concepts and principles of quantum theory, including being able to solve the Schrodinger equation for simple cases
  4. CO4 Understand quantum concepts in atoms and molecules
Metode PembelajaranKuliah, Tutorial, Diskusi, Kerja kelompok, PBL, RBLLectures, Tutorials, Discussions, Group work, PBL, RBL
Modalitas PembelajaranPembelajaran aktif, Tugas, KuisActive learning, Assignments, Quizzes
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPR, Kuis, Ujian Tengah Semester, Ujian Akhir Semester, RBLHomework, Quizzes, Midterm Exam, Final Semester Exam, RBL
Catatan TambahanMKWP