Kode Mata KuliahFI4262 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara102 - Physics / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahMekanika Deformasi Batuan dan GeohazardRock Deformation Mechanics and Geohazards
Bahan Kajian
  1. Stress di kerak bumi
  2. Stress/strain di batuan, Hukum Hooke, Pemodelan Tensor stiffness, Voght Scheme Tensor
  3. Elastic parameter, Dynamic vs Static Elastic parameter dan cara pengukurannya
  4. Tensor stiffness Kasus anisotropy, Bending Beam, plasticity, creep, yield,
  5. Rock failure in compression, tension and shear,
  6. Failure criteria: Mohr-Coulomb, Mogi-Coulomb, Druger Prager
  7. Faults and fractures at depth, Fault terminology, Fault anatomy, Displacement distribution, Identifying faults in an oil field setting, The birth and growth of faults, Fault’s communication and sealing properties
  8. Beberapa pemodelan longsoran, slope stability untuk pemodelan landslide
  9. Uji Tekanan Bawah Permukaan (Leak Off Test, Over-Coring), Strain Bawah Permukaan (Strain Gauge). Pengenalan Full-Bore Microscanner Imager untuk penentuan arah Stress, Cara MembacaMomen Tensor Gempa
  10. Estimasi tekanan di bawah permukaan bumi: Overburden Stress, Shmin, Shmax, Prediksi Pore Pressure (Eaton, Bowers, Rock Physics)
  11. Stress distribution around Cylinder dan pengenalan major stress Sigma1, Sigma2, Sigma3
  12. Studi kasus: Desain pembuatan lereng yang stabil, Desain dan stabilisasi proses pembuatan terowongan berdasarkan analisa geomekanik, desain stabilisasi pembuatan lobang bor mendasarkan analisa geomekanik
  13. Pengenalan tipe geohazard, amplifikasi gelombang, likuifaksi, mekanisme tsunami, overpressure bawah permukaan, Shallow gas, mitigasi geohazard, mitigasi subsidence
  1. Stress in the earth's crust
  2. Stress/strain in rocks, Hooke's Law, Stiffness Tensor Modeling, Voght Scheme Tensor
  3. Elastic parameters, Dynamic vs Static Elastic parameters and how to measure them
  4. Tensor stiffness Case anisotropy, Bending Beam, plasticity, creep, yield,
  5. Rock failure in compression, tension and shear
  6. Failure criteria: Mohr-Coulomb, Mogi-Coulomb, Druger Prager
  7. Faults and fractures at depth, Fault terminology, Fault anatomy, Displacement distribution, Identifying faults in an oil field setting, The birth and growth of faults, Fault's communication and sealing properties
  8. Some landslide modeling, slope stability for landslide modeling
  9. Subsurface Pressure Test (Leak Off Test, Over-Coring), Subsurface Strain (Strain Gauge). Introduction to Full-Bore Microscanner Imager for determining Stress direction, How to Read Earthquake Moment Tensors
  10. Pressure estimation under the earth's surface: Overburden Stress, Shmin, Shmax, Pore Pressure Prediction (Eaton, Bowers, Rock Physics)
  11. Stress distribution around Cylinder and introduction of major stresses Sigma1, Sigma2, Sigma3
  12. Case studies: Design for making stable slopes, Design and stabilization of the tunnel making process based on geomechanical analysis, Stabilization design for making drill holes based on geomechanical analysis
  13. Introduction to geohazard types, wave amplification, liquefaction, tsunami mechanisms, subsurface overpressure, Shallow gas, geohazard mitigation, subsidence mitigation
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa memahami tentang relasi antara dinamika kerak bumi, mekanisme deformasi batuan pada bencana alam maupun bencana yang dipicu oleh tindakan manusia, serta bagaimana cara mitigasi bencananya
  2. Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep relasi stress, strain dan hukum Hooke pada batuan dari segi teori, laboratorium, dapat mengaplikasikannya dalam konfigurasi sederhana
  3. Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep terbentuknya tipe-tipe fault pada lempeng batuan pada batuan dari segi teori, laboratorium, dapat mengaplikasikannya pada kasus lapangan riil dan industri
  4. Mahasiswa mampu berfikir komprehensif mengintegrasikan data kualitatif dari fenomena geologi dan perhitungan kuantitatif stress bawah permukaan dan pemakaian batas failure kriteria untuk memitigasi struktur tetap stabil dan tidak terjadi bencana
  5. Mahasiswa mengenal mekanisme longsoran, pemodelannya dan cara membuat lereng yang stabil, dan didemonstasikan pemodelan perangkat lunaknya
  6. Mahasiswa faham cara pemodelan stress bawah permukaan mendasarkan parameter geomekanik dan bisa memakai atau setidaknya didemonstrasikan cara pemakaian perangkat lunak modelingnya
  7. Mahasiswa mengenal cara stabilisasi pembuatan terowongan dan lobang bor
  1. Students understand the relationship between the dynamics of the earth's crust, the mechanisms of rock deformation in natural disasters and disasters triggered by human actions, and how to mitigate disasters.
  2. Students are able to understand the concepts of stress, strain and Hooke's law relationships in rocks from a theoretical and laboratory perspective, and can apply them in simple configurations.
  3. Students are able to understand the concept of the formation of fault types in rock plates in rocks from a theoretical and laboratory perspective, and can apply it to real field and industrial cases.
  4. Students are able to think comprehensively, integrating qualitative data from geological phenomena and quantitative calculations of subsurface stress and the use of failure limit criteria to mitigate structures that remain stable and disasters do not occur.
  5. Students get to know the landslide mechanism, its modeling and how to create a stable slope, and the modeling software is demonstrated
  6. Students understand how to model subsurface stress based on geomechanical parameters and can use or at least demonstrate how to use the modeling software
  7. Students know how to stabilize tunnels and drill holes
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, diskusi kelompokLectures, group discussions
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Sinkron,Bauran/Daring AsinkronSynchronous Offline, Asynchronous Mixed/Online
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian Tengah Semester, Ujian Akhir Semester, Tugas, KuisMidterm Exam, Final Exam, Assignments, Quizzes
Catatan TambahanMKPB