Kode Mata KuliahFI3161 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara102 - Physics / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahFisika Batuan dan Karakterisasi LubangborRock Physics and Borehole Characterization
Bahan Kajian
  1. Jenis Batuan
  2. Mikrogeometri batuan
  3. Besaran intsrinsik: porositas, luas permukaaan spesifik, dll
  4. Sifat elastik batuan
  5. Sifat kelistrikan batuan
  6. Sifat termal batuan
  7. Aliran fluida dalam batuan
  8. AVO, inversi AI dan AVO seismik
  9. Karakterisasi mineral batuan dengan berbagai peralatan karakterisasi seperti: XRD, XRF, SEM, FIB-SEM, Micro-CT-scan
  10. Karakterisasi Fluida dan gas dengan NMR, GC, GCMS
  11. Aplikasi penafsiran sifat fisik berdasarkan pengukuran di lubang bor seperti: sonic log, resistivity log, log radioaktivitas, dll
  12. Pengukuran umur batuan relatif dan mutlak dengan C14/C12, K-Ar, U-Th
  1. Rock Type
  2. Rock microgeometry
  3. Intrinsic quantities: porosity, specific surface area, etc
  4. Elastic properties of rocks
  5. Electrical properties of rocks
  6. Thermal properties of rocks
  7. Fluid flow in rocks
  8. AVO, AI inversion and seismic AVO
  9. Characterization of rock minerals with various characterization equipment such as: XRD, XRF, SEM, FIB-SEM, Micro-CT-scan
  10. Fluid and gas characterization with NMR, GC, GCMS
  11. Application of interpretation of physical properties based on measurements in drill holes such as: sonic log, resistivity log, radioactivity log, etc
  12. Measurement of relative and absolute rock age with C14/C12, K-Ar, U-Th
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami proses dinamika Bumi dan pembentukan batuan
  2. Mahasiswa mampu memahami proses dinamika Bumi dan pembentukan batuan
  3. Mahasiswa memahami struktur dan besaran mikrogeometri batuan
  4. Mahasiswa mampu memahami sifat elastik batuan, sifat kelistrikan dan aliran fluida dalam batuan
  5. Mahasiswa memahami struktur dan besaran mikrogeometri batuan
  6. Mahasiswa mampu memahami sifat elastik batuan, sifat kelistrikan dan aliran fluida dalam batuan
  7. Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan pemahaman tentang sifat elastik batuan, sifat kelistrikan dan aliran fluida dalam batuan untuk keperluan bidang terkait
  8. Mahasiswa mampu menganalisa komposisi mineral batuan berdasarkan hasil karakterisasi yang dilakukan
  9. Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan pemahaman tentang sifat elastik batuan, sifat kelistrikan dan aliran fluida dalam batuan untuk keperluan bidang terkait
  10. Mahasiswa mampu menghitung besaran fisis secara komputasi sederhana
  11. Mahasiswa mampu menganalisa komposisi mineral batuan berdasarkan hasil karakterisasi yang dilakukan
  12. Mahasiswa mampu menghitung besaran fisis secara komputasi sederhana
  1. Students are able to understand the Earth's dynamic processes and rock formation
  2. Students are able to understand the Earth's dynamic processes and rock formation
  3. Students understand the structure and microgeometric quantities of rocks
  4. Students are able to understand the elastic properties of rocks, electrical properties and fluid flow in rocks.
  5. Students understand the structure and microgeometric quantities of rocks
  6. Students are able to understand the elastic properties of rocks, electrical properties and fluid flow in rocks
  7. Students are able to apply their understanding of the elastic properties of rocks, electrical properties and fluid flow in rocks for the purposes of related fields
  8. Students are able to analyze the mineral composition of rocks based on the results of the characterization carried out
  9. Students are able to apply their understanding of the elastic properties of rocks, electrical properties and fluid flow in rocks for the purposes of related fields
  10. Students are able to calculate physical quantities using simple computations
  11. Students are able to analyze the mineral composition of rocks based on the results of the characterization carried out
  12. Students are able to calculate physical quantities using simple computations
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, diskusi kelompok, Kuliah TamuLectures, group discussions, Guest Lectures
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring sinkron, bauran/daring asinkronSynchronous offline, asynchronous mixed/online
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian Tengah Semester, Ujian Akhir Semester, Tugas, dan KuisMidterm Exam, Final Exam, Assignments, and Quizzes
Catatan TambahanMKPB