Kode Mata KuliahTM3102 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara122 - Petroleum Engineering / FTTM
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahTeknik Reservoir IReservoir Engineering I
Bahan Kajian
  1. Oil and Gas Reserves
  2. Driving Mechanisms
  3. Fluid Flow Equations
  4. Volumetric Calculation and Material Balance
  5. Reservoir Performance and Decline Curve Analysis
  1. Oil and Gas Reserves
  2. Driving Mechanisms
  3. Fluid Flow Equations
  4. Volumetric Calculation and Material Balance
  5. Reservoir Performance and Decline Curve Analysis
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Memahami konsep pembentukan reservoir dan jebakan, migrasi minyak dan mengerti definisi dan klasifikasi reservoir.
  2. Memahami istilah cadangan dan metode yang dapat digunakan dalam menghitung cadangan. Menerapkan metode probabilistik yang digunakan dalam memperkirakan cadangan.
  3. Mampu memahami dan menerapkan konsep energi reservoir dan mekanisme pendesakan HC dan menentukan indeks pendesakan.
  4. Mampu memahami dan menerapkan persamaan diffusivitas termasuk kegunaannya dalam analisis tekanan dan penentuan tekanan rata-rata reservoir.
  5. Mampu memahami dan menerapkan konsep hukum Darcy dan batas-batas reservoir dalam perhitungan teknik reservoir. Menerapkan persamaan aliran dan kondisi reservoir serta definisi productivity index (PI).
  6. Mengerti dan mampu menerapkan metode peramalan kinerja dengan analisis production decline curve.
  7. Menerapkan konsep material balance dan kondisi reservoir serta beberapa metode material balance (Muskat, Tarner, Schiltuis) untuk menentukan recovery.
  8. Menerapkan cara identifikasi dan analisis past performance dan menentukan metode material balance yang sesuai untuk prediksi.
  1. Understand the concept of reservoir and trap formation, oil migration and understand the definition and classification of reservoirs.
  2. Understand the term reserves and methods that can be used to calculate reserves. Apply probabilistic methods used in estimating reserves.
  3. Able to understand and apply the concept of reservoir energy and HC pressure mechanisms and determine the pressure index.
  4. Able to understand and apply the diffusivity equation including its use in pressure analysis and determining the average reservoir pressure.
  5. Able to understand and apply the concept of Darcy's law and reservoir boundaries in reservoir engineering calculations. Apply the flow equation and reservoir conditions as well as the definition of the productivity index (PI).
  6. Understand and be able to apply performance forecasting methods using production decline curve analysis.
  7. Applying the concept of material balance and reservoir conditions as well as several material balance methods (Muscat, Tarner, Schiltuis) to determine recovery.
  8. Apply methods of identification and analysis of past performance and determine appropriate material balance methods for predictions.
Metode PembelajaranDiskusi Kelompok, Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah, Diskusi Seminar dan Presentasi, Studi KasusGroup discussion, Problem Based Learning, Seminar Discussions and Presentations, Case study
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, Asinkron, Mandiri, KelompokOffline, Asynchronous, Independent, Group
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianKuis, Tugas, Ujian Tengah Semester, Ujian Akhir SemesterQuiz, Assignment, Midterm Exam, Final Exam
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