Kode Mata KuliahSB6136 / 4 SKS
Penyelenggara224 - Earth Sciences / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahGeodinamika LanjutAdvanced Geodynamics
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pengantar Geodinamika Lanjut: Tinjauan prinsip-prinsip dasar geodinamika yang melibatkan mekanika fluida, konduksi panas, dan rheologi material bumi. Evolusi konsep lempeng tektonik dan peran mantel bumi dalam dinamika lempeng.
  2. Dinamika Lempeng Tektonik Mekanisme Penggerak Lempeng: Gaya yang menggerakkan pergerakan lempeng tektonik: gaya gravitasi, tarik slab, dorongan punggungan, dan gaya resistensi. Model pergerakan lempeng dan interaksi antar-lempeng. Interaksi Lempeng dan Deformasi Kerak: Deformasi elastik dan plastis pada batas lempeng: divergen, konvergen, dan transform. Fenomena terkait seperti gempa bumi dan pembentukan gunung. Evolusi Lempeng Tektonik: Sejarah evolusi lempeng tektonik dan dampaknya terhadap konfigurasi geologi bumi saat ini.
  3. Proses Mantel dan Konveksi Struktur dan Komposisi Mantel Konveksi Mantel Plumes dan Hotspots
  4. Deformasi Kerak dan Dinamika Kerak Bumi Rheologi Material Kerak: Perilaku rheologi kerak bumi di bawah kondisi tekanan dan suhu yang berbeda. Mekanisme deformasi ductile dan brittle di kerak atas dan bawah. Analisis Deformasi dan Tektonik Aktif: Teknik untuk mempelajari deformasi kerak menggunakan data geodetik, seismik, dan geologi struktural. Evolusi Kerak dan Pembentukan Orogen: Proses pembentukan orogen dan sejarah geologis evolusi kerak benua dan samudra.
  1. Introduction to Advanced Geodynamics: An overview of the fundamental principles of geodynamics involving fluid mechanics, heat conduction, and the rheology of Earth's materials. The evolution of plate tectonic concepts and the role of the Earth's mantle in plate dynamics.
  2. Dynamics of Tectonic Plates Plate Driving Mechanisms: Forces driving the movement of tectonic plates: gravitational forces, slab pull, ridge push, and resistance forces. Models of plate movement and inter-plate interactions. Plate Interaction and Crustal Deformation: Elastic and plastic deformation at plate boundaries: divergent, convergent, and transform. Related phenomena such as earthquakes and mountain formation. Evolution of Tectonic Plates: The history of tectonic plate evolution and its impact on the current geological configuration of the Earth.
  3. Mantle Processes and Convection Structure and Composition of the Mantle Mantle Convection Plumes and Hotspots
  4. Crustal Deformation and Earth Crust Dynamics Rheology of Crustal Materials: The rheological behavior of Earth's crust under varying pressure and temperature conditions. Mechanisms of ductile and brittle deformation in the upper and lower crust. Analysis of Deformation and Active Tectonics: Techniques for studying crustal deformation using geodetic, seismic, and structural geology data. Crustal Evolution and Orogeny Formation: Processes of orogeny formation and the geological history of the evolution of continental and oceanic crust.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan konsep dan mekanisme dasar yang menggerakkan dinamika internal bumi
  2. Mampu merancang perangkat lunak pemodelan numerik untuk membuat simulasi proses geodinamika seperti pergerakan lempeng
  3. Mampu menganalisis dan menginterpretasikan model geodinamika
  4. Mampu mengungkap karakteristik geodinamika internal bumi
  1. Able to explain the basic concepts and mechanisms driving Earth's internal dynamics
  2. Able to design numerical modeling software to simulate geodynamic processes such as plate movements
  3. Able to analyze and interpret geodynamic models
  4. Able to reveal the characteristics of Earth's internal geodynamics
Metode PembelajaranKnowledge Based Leaning (KBL), Skill Based Learning (SBL), Problem based learning (PBL), Case-based Learning (CBL)Knowledge Based Leaning (KBL), Skill Based Learning (SBL), Problem based learning (PBL), Case-based Learning (CBL)
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, Sinkron, AsinkronOffline, Synchronous, Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUTS, UAS, dan PresentasiMid test, Final test and Presentation
Catatan Tambahankuliah daring memungkinkan jika banyak hari libur nasionalOnline classes are feasible if there are many public holidays