Kode Mata KuliahSB5018 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara224 - Earth Sciences / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahDinamika Ekosistem LautDynamics of Marine Ecosystems
Bahan Kajian
  1. Ekosistem Laut dan Pantai
  2. Biota Laut dan Pantai
  3. Dinamika Laut dan Pantai
  4. Sifat Mekanik Biota Laut
  5. Gaya Penggerak Biota Laut
  6. Transpor dan Percampuran di Ekosistem Laut dan Pantai
  7. Pasang Surut dan Gelombang di Area Bervegetasi
  8. Distribusi Vertikal Produktivitas di Laut
  9. Project/Experiment
  1. Marine and Coastal Ecosystems
  2. Marine and Beach Biota
  3. Ocean and Coastal Dynamics
  4. Mechanical Properties of Marine Biota
  5. Driving Forces of Marine Biota
  6. Transport and Mixing in Marine and Coastal Ecosystems
  7. Tides and Waves in Vegetated Areas
  8. Vertical Distribution of Productivity in the Sea
  9. Project/Experiment
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan teori ekosistem laut dan pantai
  2. Mampu menjelaskan proses dinamika laut dan pantai
  3. Mampu memodelkan dan menganalisis gerak biota dan vegetasi, serta kesuburan yang ada di laut dan pantai
  4. Mampu membuktikan melalui project/eksperimen lapangan mengenai teori dinamika ekosistem laut dan pantai
  1. Able to explain the theory of marine and coastal ecosystems
  2. Able to explain the dynamic processes of the sea and coast
  3. Able to model and analyze the movement of biota and vegetation, as well as fertility in the sea and beaches
  4. Able to prove through projects/field experiments the theory of marine and coastal ecosystem dynamics
Metode PembelajaranKnowledge Based Leaning, Skill Based Learning, Problem based learning (PBL), Case-based Learning (CBL)Knowledge Based Leaning, Skill Based Learning, Problem based learning (PBL), Case-based Learning (CBL)
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, Sinkron, AsinkronOffline, Synchronous, Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUraian, Esai, Presentasi, Laporan, PraktikDescriptions, Essays, Presentations, Reports, Practices
Catatan TambahanJika sangat banyak hari libur nasional, dimungkinkan kuliah daringWhen there are many national holidays, online lectures are possible