Kode Mata KuliahSB5014 / 4 SKS
Penyelenggara224 - Earth Sciences / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahTranspor Sedimen Pesisir dan LautMarine and Coastal Sediment Transport
Bahan Kajian
  1. Definisi dan ruang lingkup sedimentologi serta karakteristik sedimen di lingkungan pesisir dan laut.
  2. Proses-proses geomorfologi pantai serta interaksi antara gelombang, arus, angin, dan sedimentasi pantai
  3. Metode analisis sedimen pesisir dan laut berupa pengambilan sampel sedimen di lingkungan pesisir dan laut serta Analisis laboratorium dan lapangan untuk mempelajari komposisi dan tekstur sedimen.
  4. Klasifikasi batuan sedimen berdasarkan sifat fisik ukuran butir, bentuk, sortasi) dan berdasarkan komposisi mineral dan tekstur.
  5. Proses transportasi sedimen oleh air (fluvial, estuari, sungai berarus cepat), oleh angin (aeolian).
  6. Proses transportasi sedimen oleh air (fluvial, estuari, sungai berarus cepat), oleh angin (aeolian).
  7. Proses sedimentasi dan transportasi di zona intertidal oleh pengaruh pasang surut terhadap distribusi sedimen.
  8. Proses transport sedimen di perairan dangkal oleh pengaruh gelombang dan arus pasang-surut. Proses deposisi dan sedimentasi di dasar laut dangkal.
  9. Proses transport sedimen di perairan dalam oleh arus laut dalam dan karakteristik sedimentasi di dasar laut dalam.
  10. Pemodelan transportasi sedimen dilingkungan pesisir dan laut dan aplikasi model dalam memahami pola transportasi dan deposisi
  11. Analisis terhadap studi kasus mengenai transportasi sedimen serta proses sedimentologi di pesisir dan laut.
  1. Definition and scope of sedimentology and characteristics of sediments in coastal and marine environments.
  2. Coastal geomorphological processes and interactions between waves, currents, wind and coastal sedimentation
  3. Coastal and marine sediment analysis methods include taking sediment samples in coastal and marine environments as well as laboratory and field analysis to study sediment composition and texture.
  4. Classification of sedimentary rocks based on physical properties (grain size, shape, sorting) and based on mineral composition and texture.
  5. The process of sediment transport by water (fluvial, estuary, fast-flowing rivers), by wind (aeolian).
  6. The process of sediment transport by water (fluvial, estuary, fast-flowing rivers), by wind (aeolian).
  7. Sedimentation and transport processes in the intertidal zone by the influence of tides on sediment distribution.
  8. The process of sediment transport in shallow waters by influence of waves and tidal currents. Deposition and sedimentation processes on the shallow seabed.
  9. The process of sediment transport in deep waters by deep sea currents and the characteristics of sedimentation at the bottom of the deep sea.
  10. Modeling sediment transport in coastal and marine environments and application of models in understanding transport and deposition patterns
  11. Analysis of case studies regarding sediment transport and sedimentological processes on coasts and seas.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan karakteristik sedimen di pesisir dan laut
  2. Mampu menjelaskan proses pembentukan dan penjalaran gelombang gravitasi permukaan
  3. Mampu menjelaskan proses angkutan sedimen di zona intertidal, perairan dangkal, dan perairan dalam
  4. Mampu menjelaskan konsep pemodelan transport sedimen dan mampu mengaplikasikan model di zona intertidal, perairan dangkal, dan perairan dalam
  1. Able to explain the characteristics of sediments on the coast and sea
  2. Able to explain the process of formation and propagation of surface gravity waves
  3. Able to explain the process of sediment transport in the intertidal zone, shallow waters and deep waters
  4. Able to explain the concept of sediment transport modeling and be able to apply the model in the intertidal zone, shallow water and deep water
Metode PembelajaranKnowledge Based Leaning, Skill Based Learning, Problem based learning (PBL), Case-based Learning (CBL)Knowledge Based Leaning, Skill Based Learning, Problem based learning (PBL), Case-based Learning (CBL)
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, Sinkron, AsinkronOffline, Synchronous, Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianLaporan, Esai, Uraian, Presentasi, PraktikReports, Essays, Descriptions, Presentations, Practices
Catatan Tambahankuliah daring dimungkinkan jika banyak hari libur nasionalOnline lectures are possible if there are many national holidays